THE QATSPY® The Yankee Leather Jacket Travel Journal

By: Charles W. Boatright

The US WINGS® A-2 Rough Rider Leather Flight Jacket that Encapsulates The Spirit of Theodore Roosevelt’s Rough Riders

Today there’s nothing that can encapsulate and typify the spirit of The Rough Riders better than the US WINGS® A-2 Rough Rider Leather Flight Jacket. This is the same A-2 Flight Jacket worn by pilots and paratroopers of the Greatest Generation during World War II.

The Rough Riders, commanded by Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, were comprised of volunteers who were great horsemen and handle a rifle well, drawn from the western states  They weren’t regular militia, but men who volunteered after Spain sunk the U.S.S. Maine in Havana Harbor in February of 1898. This was just 33 years after the Civil War had ended.

The Buffalo Soldiers of the 9th Cavalry

One of the battles, Las Guasimas, that the Rough Riders, 1st U.S. Volunteer Cavalry, fought at was joined by the Buffalo Soldiers, 10th U.S. Regular Cavalry, made up of African-American Soldiers. The spirit of these Buffalo Soldiers was carried on by the Tuskegee Airmen, the Red Tails, that fought in World War Two.

The Tuskegee Airmen (Red Tails) that formed 332nd Fighter Group and 477th Bombardment Group.

The 2nd Amendment A-2 Flight Jacket Symbolizes the Men that Made up the Rough Riders

The battle that catapulted Colonel Theodore Roosevelt into American History and into the Oval Office, that he designed and had built, was the charge up San Juan Hill. If you wanted to capture the rich American History like that of the Rough Riders, the US WINGS® A-2 Rough Rider Buffalo Leather Flight Jacket fits the occasion.

The U.S. Military shrunk from the end of the Civil War; and when the Spanish-American War started, President McKinley needed to raise an Army expeditiously and requests went out for Volunteers from the frontier states for enlistments. The reason for drawing from these states, like Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona, and New Mexico, was that these men had the ability to handle a rifle and ride a horse, under a warm climate similar to Cuba’s.

The ability for Americans to bear arms under the Second Amendment is a vital part of our national security. This has been proven many times since our nation fought the Revolutionary War, with Minutemen, The War of 1812, the Alamo, and during the Spanish-American War. Our Founding Framers knew from history that the 2nd Amendment was a vital part of securing and defending our freedoms and Liberties.

This is the precise reason that THE QATSPY® and US WINGS® has designed and is providing the 2nd Amendment A-2 Rough Rider Buffalo Flight Jacket to the public, where this piece of history won’t get undercut by those who want to abolish our 2nd Amendment, The Right to Keep and Bear Arms. We offer the 2nd Amendment with each State’s name and State with Flag to show that each state support our 2nd Amendment.

One only has to look at history to see how men and women from all backgrounds have supported our 2nd Amendment Right to Keep and Bear Arms. The 2nd Amendment has played a significant part of the American Story. Without the 2nd Amendment, we wouldn’t have secured Proclamation of either The Declaration of Independence or The U.S. Constitution with the Bill of Rights.

The 2nd Amendment is way too important of a issue to leave it to others who are not mindful or are ignorant of the importance of our 2nd Amendment Rights to Keep and Bear Arms.

FOOTNOTE of History: In 1886, smokeless gunpowder was developed and was used by the U.S. Army for the first time during the Spanish-American war in 1989.

By the Way We Tried Confiscation Before, it was Called Prohibition

Under the eighteenth Amendment, there was an attempt, like what’s being done with gun control, to provide a safer and healthier environment for people. Prohibition under the 18th Amendment prohibited the manufacturing, distribution, sales, possession, and use of alcohol, except for medical purposes. It was called Prohibition. What was supposed to provide a safer and healthier environment in the United States actually developed the atmosphere for organized crime to flourish, and violence to become widespread.

The alcohol that was legally produced before Prohibition was, inspected, and taxed and was now being illegally manufactured, and in some case unsafe to consume as moonshine, and bootlegged into states, towns, and communities. Prohibition encouraged the illegally-production of alcohol and did little to promote a safer and healthier community.

The Democrat’s Gun Control Efforts

The laws and confiscation under gun control proposed by Democrats lead by point-man for former Vice President Joe Biden, Beto O’Rourke will only affect law-abiding citizens and do little to take guns out of the hands of the criminal element. We presently have laws on the books to denied possession of guns by criminals that aren’t being enforced. This is especially true when you have Democratic Administration selling fully automatic weapons to the Mexican cartels under Fast and Furious that was used to murder a Boarder Control Officer, Brian Terry.

The AR-15 and the Deer Rifle

The AR-15 that gets most of the attention that operates on the same platform as the popular gas operated semiautomatic Remington Model 750 Woodmaster, 4-round capacity 30-06 deer rifle. The only difference between these two platforms is the caliber and the capacity of the interior 4-rounds with 750 and the exterior (10 to 15)- round magazine with AR-15. Both these rifles are used as deer rifles as brought up at a Beto O’Rourke campaign rally in Iowa by a hunter.

One study by the CDC of 2012 statistics reports that there were 1,029,615 incidents referred to as self-defense, DGU (Defensive Gun Use), as compared to 11,208 homicide deaths in the U.S. by using firearms. Even one Homicide Death is one too many. Please refer to an article by Paul HsiehAny Study Of ‘Gun Violence’ Should Include How Guns Save Lives.

Any right that we have under the Constitution has a possibility of being violated, but we need to weigh the good with the bad, and if we do this for the 2nd Amendment, we would discover that only 1 percent of the use of a firearm is in a criminal homicide situation, and the other 99 percent is considered as DGU, or as self-defense.

I don’t know of any other effort that would be mounted to change an Amendment, if only 1.08 percent were done from a wrong intent. We wouldn’t consider changing the 1st Amendment because the media use the Freedom of the Press to intentionally report false information to the public. Our media would never do this NOW, would they?

To show your support for the 2nd Amendment, purchase your 2nd Amendment A-2 Rough Rider Flight Jacket with your option of your State name and insignia and/or military insignia.

Southern Heritage Air Foundation Raffle

The Yankee Personal-Style Traditional Apparel Quarters supplying an US WINGS® A-2 Cape Buffalo Leather Flight Rough Rider Jacket to be Raffled off on April 18, 2020 at the Warriors Bone Fire Clay Shoot.

Southern Heritage Air Foundation ■ Vicksburg Tallulah Regional Airport ■ 175 Circle Airport Rd ■ Tallulah, Louisiana 71282 ■ (318) 574-2731

Starting on February 29, 2020 through the April 18, 2020, the Southern Heritage Air Foundation will be selling raffle tickets for a 2nd Amendment A-2 Cape Buffalo Flight Jacket to be raffled off on April 18, 2020. You can go to the Southern Heritage Air Foundation website and purchase Raffle E-Ticket for the drawing. The Jacket is a $470.00 value. This is a US WINGS® Flight Jacket that meets the U.S. Military Specs and is supplied to the U.S. Army and Air Force This is the 2nd Amendment Rough Rider A-2 Flight Jacket.  

The 2nd Amendment Rough Rider A-2 Flight Jacket is offered up by Yankee Personal-Style Traditional Apparel Quarters. For more information, please use the link below to read more:

THE QATSPY: The Yankee Personal-Style Traditional Apparel Quarters US WINGS 2nd Amendment Rough Rider A-2 Cape Buffalo Leather Flight Jacket, click for more information and to purchase.ours.