THE QATSPY® Quapaw Aviation Tiger Sportswear Performance, Yukan Outfitter Company
By: Charles W. Boatright, President of THE GREAT QATSPY® Company
Importance Knowing/Understanding Your PENA– Importance of Knowing & Managing Your Physical Exam Numbers Assessments and Fitness Program. Being aware of your PENA and Knowing where they fall in a Healthy Ranges is Critical to Maintain.
Couple of weeks ago, I wrote an article on the importance of maintaining your health and fitness and the recent results that I got from my August of 2023 Physical Exam Numbers Assessment (PENA) that I have posted below:
Blood pressure- 115/61
Blood Glucose- 109 (Non Fasting)
Total Cholesterol- 158
Waistline- 28.50″
Weight- 148 Lbs.
BMI- 18.75
Age: 66
If you are over the age of 30, knowing your PENA score and their ranges are critical, especially as we approach our 40’s. In aviation, commercial pilots over the age of 40 are required to have two physical exams per year to meet their flight fitness requirements. The PENA scores that I posted above are critical in aviation for pilots to meet their health and fitness requirements, especially the top four (4).
My Health & Fitness Seminar
I was conducting a health seminar last week where I posted and went over my QATSPY® METAFIT Health & Fitness and my PENA scores with the audience. Some in the audience were unaware if these numbers that I just posted and went over were healthy numbers or not at my age of 66.
Here are the Health Ranges that you need to be aware of and to understand where your PENA fit in these ranges:
Normal Blood Pressure: Below 120/80 mmHg
Normal Non-Fasting Glucose levels: Fasting- 80-100; Non Fasting 170-200
Total *Cholesterol readings: Below 200 mg/L
Waistline: Your height in inches/2.0
(*) Total Cholesterol is based on= HDL + LDL + 0.20(triglycerides) = Total Cholesterol. Breaking it down HDL- 40 or higher, LDL- less than 100, and Triglycerides- less than 150
What got my attention during my presentation that I needed to go over the ranges, above, was a gentleman that asked if a Total Cholesterol reading of 158 was good score. So I fortunately had my footnotes for the PENA score health ranges with me to provide to write.
They began to be more attentive after I stated that a healthy Total Cholesterol score was anything less than 200 (my was 158) and a NON-FASTING blood glucose reading was between 170 and 200 (my was 109).
I have run into pilots and aviators that were concerned about their PENA scores before their annual physical. So I directed them to my website where they purchased THE QATSPY® METAFIT Diet & Fitness Program. You will drop weight, inches, but also your PENA scores. But you’ll drop something else that is totally unexpected, you’ll drop years off your skin based on the METAFIT Diet & Fitness Program. Below was an AB Challenge that I did after our August 12th, 2023 photoshoot. Again, I’m 66- years old:
The METAFIT Diet is Based on 2 Fundamentals of WHAT and WHEN to Eat
The METAFIT allows you to read the standard Nutrition Label using 9- Data Points, shown above, to identify food that has a Metabolic Pyruvate Index (MPI) of 3.25 or less that turns your body into a turbocharged calorie-burning juggernaut to lose weight. Below is my actual Waistline Chart that I kept from November 28th, 2014 until September 05, 2015.
My current waistline as of October 02, 2023 is 28.50- inches.
To complete your healthy diet, just knowing when to eat, between 9 a.m. to 6 p.m, is essential. This will take advantage of the body’s natural Circadian Rhythm that metabolizes your food as energy instead of storing it as a fat.
Combining these two fundamentals allow you to turn in healthy PENA scores at your next doctor visit minimum of six-months later. But that isn’t all that THE QATSPY® METAFIT Diet & Fitness Program does, it also stops and reverses the aging process when combined with a fitness program. In the featured image, I’m 66 years old.
The METAFIT Fitness Program
First to have an effective fitness program you have to get your Target Heart Rate (THR) up to an effective heart rate based on your age for a minimum of 15- minutes. THR = 220 – Your Age X 0.85 My is posted below:
Example: My THR is (220-66) x 0.85 = 130.9 beats per minute. I have a programmable
I have a 40- minute workout in my gym that includes Anaerobic where you’re using strength training with your aerobic-cardio and yoga workout. Above, show me on the bag where I do seven 2- minute rounds within periods of my workout. This METAFIT is included in this download.
Here the BIG reason you want to Include a Strength Program with Your Workout
Just don’t focus on Aerobic-Cardio training only, but include Strength Training!
The significance of Strength training is that it allows the skeletal muscles to produce and release an important growth hormones, called Myokines, and collagen into the bloodstream to improve the health of the skin, joints, and other tissue. Diet, strength training with regular exercises is your natural fountain of youth that can allow even a person over the age of 60, like I am, to develop age-defying skin that they once had in the mid-30’s.