THE QATSPY® The Quapaw Aviation Tactical Sportswear & Performance, Your Outfitters Company, Authorized Distributor for US WINGS®
The Body is a Temple of God; keep it as strong and fit as your Faith is!
By: Charles W. Boatright
The DELPHI is More than Just a Diet-To Drop Weight and Inches, but an Age-Defying Diet, Exercise, and Lifestyle to Drop Years off Your Skin
This is better that going to a spa or purchasing expensive skincare products that only works temporary. The diet and fitness system can even reverse that aging process.
We are approaching March Madness in College Basketball where it starts the tournament season that is never disappointing, except for the case when your team doesn’t make the Sweet Sixteen. The first of March also marks 59- days ( 3- months) from where you might have made your New Year’s Resolution to lose weight and get into better shape. DON’T GIVE UP or QUIT on your Resolutions, they are too important to you, I have some encouragement for you!
Since February is Heart Health Month, you can take that as an incentive to refocus your efforts to lose weight, get into better shape, and drop your numbers over the next 13- weeks. You can use a Diet based on WHAT you eat (Health Index number at or below a 3.25) and WHEN you eat (between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.) and Exercise with an active Lifestyle to achieve your New Year’s Resolutions.
When you are considering diets don’t dismiss, or under estimate, the importance of WHEN and WHAT you eat that can turn your body into an age-defying, calories-burning-juggernaut. I dropped 45- Lbs. and 6- inches in just 13- weeks by February 27, 2015; and drop something that I wasn’t expecting, I dropped about 30- years off the age of my skin. In the featured image and below in the AB Challenges, I’m 65 years old.
If you start on DELPHI DIET & FITNESS System by March 01st, 2023 you can drop weight, inches, and years off your skin by May, 31st, 2023 in time for Summer Vacation. But you have to eat food at or below the 3.25 Health Index number and eat between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.
The major factor for the age-defying results that I experienced in February of 2015 is that I wasn’t eating foods over a HI (Health Index) of 3.25 and not eating past 6 p.m.The other factor, I was following my Cardio-Aerobic Strength Training. Just to show the results that I have gained from The DELPHI DIET & FITNESS System, I did two AB Challenges that I have posted below at age 65. How many diets and fitness programs allows you to post AB Challenges? Especially at age 65!
The DELPHI DIET & FITNESS System Worked so well, I’m Modeling at Age 65
In 13- weeks from December of 2014, I dropped something more than 45- Lbs., 6.0 inches in my waistline, and my numbers; I dropped the age of my skin by 30- years to have skin that I had in my mid-30’s. That allowed me to model my Rough Riders Sportswear Collection that includes the U.S. Military A-2 and G-1 Leather Flight Jackets that we supply the Military.
I also model my Flying Tiger G-1 Flight Jacket and my Flying Tiger Classic button-down Oxford shirt, that Aristotle is modeling, below. But the biggest benefit of The DELPHI DIET & FITNESS System is how it allows you to replicate at home that same great look of clothes that you purchase at the store or on online. Your best fashion statement that you can make is with your age-defying health and fitness of the DELPHI DIET & FITNESS System.
NOTE: The DELPHI DIET & FITNESS Link will link you to KINDLE that has my complete diet and fitness workout with videos of all my exercise routine I do in my home gym.
On January 07th, 2023, the first Saturday of the New Year, 9- years after I started The DELPHI DIET & FITNESS System, I’m still able at age 65 to do photoshoot at our hangar of my Rough Riders Sportswear Collection, as featured in the featured image above. After that photoshoot on January 7th, I did an AB Challenge in our hangar to show how effective The DELPHI DIET & FITNESS System is, even at my age.
We were fortunate to have temperatures in the upper 60’s on Saturday, January 07th, 2023, instead in the upper 20’s like there were just two weeks earlier on December 24th, 2022. That would had been tough riding my INDIAN to and from the hangar in those type temperatures.
Some diets and fitness systems will allow you to drop weight and inches, but how many diets and fitness programs will allow you to drop years off the age of your skin?
I dropped a total of 52- LBS. and 9- inches between November 28th, 2014 and September 05th, 2015. Nine years after starting my DELPHI DIET & FITNESS System, I’m still have the same waistline of 29.0- inches, see my Waistline Chart Below: