THE QATSPY® The Quapaw Aviation Tactical Sportswear & Performance, Your Outfitter Company, Authorized Distributor for US WINGS®

The Body is a Temple of God keep it as strong and fit as your Faith is!

On February 10th, 2023, AT AGE 65, I did a photoshoot for our Rough Riders Collection that includes the Authentic G-1 Leather Flying Tiger Flight Jacket at our airport on the tarmac with an AVIAT AIRCRAFT HUSKY A-1A That we use to fly aerial patrol along with a rotorwing aircraft, a 206-D BELL JET RANGER.

Our leather flight jackets are Mil-Spec that are issued to the U.S. Military, all six branches of the service. Use the image above as a link to view and purchase what will become your preferred sports jacket. You will mothball your current cloth sports jacket for your A-2 or G-1 Leather Flight Jacket. The A-2 Leather Flight Jacket was the basis for the Indiana Jones Leather Jacket. Also a cloth sports jacket doesn’t look this sporty either that you can also use as a motorcycle jacket.

Inspiration for Indiana Jones’ Leather Jacket/Khakis

How to Replicate SPACE Age-Defying Skin: How to Actually Rejuvenate and Reverse the Effects of Aging that doesn’t come from a Tube or Jar    

There are several skincare products on the market that provides various benefits for your skin from TEMPORARY eliminating bags under eyes, fine lines, and wrinkles, to age spots. BUT none of these can compare with a healthy diet of WHAT and WHEN to eat and regular Sweat Producing Aerobic-Cardio Exercises that works with your body internally for months if not years. Even what workout and diet you followed in your teens years benefit you later in your life.

Your diet has the biggest impact on your health and fitness of your skin to rejuvenate and reverse the effects of the aging process based on two components- On WHAT you eat and on WHEN you eat. The WHAT is food that has a Health Index (HI) at or below 3.25. The WHEN is eating your meals between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. The later that you eat past 6 p.m. interferes with your body’s natural ability to repair and rejuvenate your skin at night while you are sleeping.

I model my sportswear line and depend on my DELPHI DIET & FITNESS System with The SPACE Age-Defying Workout.


The two components of WHAT and WHEN will allow you to drop not only pounds, inches, blood pressure, blood glucose, and your cholesterol; but to drop those years off your skin. You can’t get all these benefits from any skincare product that comes in a jar or tube, or pill form that are also significantly more expensive.

The other part of looking younger and healthier is based on The SPACE Sweating Producing Aerobic Cardio Exercise Age-Defying Skincare Workout. The Aerobic-Cardio exercises also includes strength training with free weights and elastic tubing not just for strong muscles, but strong and healthy skin and hair. You can actually sweat out and off the years on your skin with a simple workout program.

The Benefits of Sweating During Your Workout Sessions

This is my home gym that I renovated back in fall of 2019 that is in the attic space over my photography studio. I’m shown here working out on my 80 pound boxing bag, a major part of my aerobics. My gym isn’t air conditioned nor heated. I want to take full advantage of SPACE Age-Defying Skincare workout sessions. This is better than going to a day spa even at age 65.

Above, I’m in my home gym working out on a boxing bag with all the exercise equipment that I use. You can start off with just a few pieces of equipment than add equipment to challenge yourself. I would recommend the AB Roller and Elastic Tubing first. All you need is a door and a mat and you have your gym. Use the tubing on the jam side of the door instead of the hinge side for safety.

Sweating in the summertime isn’t difficult at all for me, because my gym isn’t air conditioned where temperatures in the summertime can reach 115 degrees at 3:00 p.m. when I workout. In the winter time, however, sweating is a bit more challenging. To actually sweat, I have to double layer up to sweat during my workout sessions.

Here is Why You Want to Sweat during Your Workout Sessions:    

(A) Sweating brings hydration to the surface of your skin, while your muscles release a natural growth hormone to rejuvenate and thicken the skin. Thicker, toned, and stronger skin means less fine lines and wrinkles with less sagging. No skincare product can provide this type of results that you can get with SPACE Age-Defying Workout. Better yet, you will save your money and use those savings to purchase clothes that actually replicate what you see in stores and online.

(B) Sweating acts like a natural exfoliant on the skin to remove dead cells, dirt, and toxins. This is why keeping a towel handy when you workout is useful to wipe away these byproducts.

(C) Sweating during your aerobic and cardio exercises provides an anti-aging component to provide a younger looking skin with diminished sagging, fine lines, and wrinkles, even to existing aging that you have. Your SPACE Age-Defying Skin is like turning back your clock of the age of your skin.

(D) Sweating during your aerobic and cardio exercises strengthens the entire body and even reverses the existing signs of aging by keeping the outer layer of the skin toned, thicker, and flexible. Strengthening the body also strengthens not only the skin but promotes hair growth of mid-age men and women.


(E) SPACE (Sweat Producing Aerobic Cardio Exercises) sends messages through the neurochemical pathways of your body to the skin, muscles, and joints to behave as if they are years younger by producing collagen from the skeletal muscles. This also improves cognitive function as we age, because it keeps these pathways active and open.


(F) SPACE increases Oxygen (the Aerobic component) and circulation of Blood (the Cardio Component) throughout the body and especially to the skin providing nutrients and growth replacing hormones that you naturally produce.

(G) But the most significant part of SPACE is the relaxation of the nerves, muscles and the skin that I call AM (Active Meditation) during my workouts. Especially working out on the boxing bag and my exercise bike. Another part of looking young is acting and thinking young. I have another type bike, INDIAN Scout Bobber 60, that I ride to and from our hangar.

Weather permits, I ride my INDIAN Scout Bobber to and from our hangar even at age 65 shown here.

Soon after an Aerobic and Cardio workout session, it is highly recommended that you shower and if you can’t shower soon after your workout, at least wipe down exposed skin (i.e., face and forearms) to prevent irritation from bacteria and toxins in the sweat that is on the skin. This is the reason that you can sometime itch soon after a workout session.

While working out in my gym and cooling down on my back porch, I constantly wiping down with a very absorbent towel. Then after I cool down, I shower. After showering, I wipe my face down with Witch Hazel solution to tighten, tone, and clean my face and forearms with these products below. Guys- Aftershave lotion helps tighten the skin after you shave.

The only other thing I do at night before bedtime, I ice down my abdominal area with a large icepack. This does two things turn your white fat cells into gray fat cells that your body can more readily burn while you sleep. The other benefit of icing down is it cools your core temperature down to sleep better.


This is the only skincare products that I have used for decades. When I shave in the morning or at night I use hot water in the mug with a brush and apply hot shaving lather to my face to reduce razor burns. Then I rinse with ice cold water then apply Witch Hazel and balm. Then I simply apply my aftershave lotion.

There is no reason why we can’t replicate an age-defying skin and fitness that we enjoyed in our 30’s, even if we are over the age of 50. With THE DELPHI DIET & FITNESS System, I even now have skin that I had in my mid-30’s at age 65. This is shown in the featured image, above, and in the two AB Challenges, below. These two AB Challenges were taken on January 07th, 2023 after we did a photoshoot for our NEW Rough Rider Collection. I’m able to model my sportswear and produce training videos at age 65 due in part due to The DELPHI DIET & FITNESS System that has a SPACE Age-Defying Workout Component.

After we did a photoshoot on January 07th, 2023, I did two AB Challenges this one leaning against my INDIAN Scout Bobber 60 Motorcycle in our hangar with the P-51 Mustang in the background. This is like the P-51 Mustang that Tom Cruise owns and flies in the recent TOP GUN:MAVERICK Movie.
This was taken just after the AB Challenge above sitting on my INDIAN Scout Bobber 60 Motorcycle. Both were taken of me at age 65. I contribute the health and fitness of my skin to my DELPHI DIET & FITNESS that includes The SPACE Age-Defying Workout. There is no reason even over the age of 50 that you can’t have skin and health you had in your mid-30’s.