Following Up on Your Health Factors

♠KC ACES♠ Kerosene Cowboy AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE EXCEPTIONAL SPORTS I spent over 550 flight-hours per year in the cockpit for 35- years when in March of 2024 I developed numbness in my feet. I had some tightness in my calves that I thought was sciatica; but wasn't. By:...

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Strengthen Your Age-Defying Health

Modeling is the most challenging situation that one can place on their health and fitness at any age much less at age 68. ♠TOP ACE Kerosene Cowboy's Sportswriter♠ AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE EXCEPTIONAL SPORTS Strengthen Your Age-Defying Health- The Fountain of Youth that...

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♠TOP ACE Kerosene Cowboy's Sportswriter♠ AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE EXCEPTIONAL SPORTS My newly release book NOW on KINDLE The Sayeret Warriors of Rephaim MY NEW BOOK RELEASE on KINDLE- 2 yrs. of research, taking notes from interviews, and reading diaries I wrote The...

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Over the Counter Relief for Neuropathy

♠ ACE SPORTS PAGE ♠ At age 68, I maintained an active lifestyle that requires having a healthy diet, fitness, and staying active in sports, hobbies, and social events. Neuropathy that occurred after my Prostate Cancer that interferes with my ability to remain active....

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Sync-Preset Your Golf Swing Fundamentals

♠ ACE SPORTS PAGE ♠ AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE EXCEPTIONAL PERFORMANCE From the Kerosene Cowboy's SPORTS PAGE Sync-Preset Your Golf Swing Fundamentals: Two simple Permanent Techniques you have NOW to develop a repeatable and confident golf swing!  Two simple permanent...

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A Key Ingredient to Staying Young at Heart

♠ ACE SPORTS PAGE ♠ AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE EXCEPTIONAL PERFORMANCE From the Kerosene Cowboy's SPORTS PAGE A Key Ingredient to Staying Young at Heart: Your diet, ACES fitness, & Active lifestyle are key in defying your age, even over the age of 60. 80% of your...

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Age-Defying Health/Appearance is Classical

♠TOP ACE Kerosene Cowboy's Sportswriter♠ AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE EXCEPTIONAL SPORTS I'm featured here with a 1958 Chevrolet Stingray Corvette that I had at our November 2024 Car & Airshow. I been active in aviation for 35- years. Age-Defying Health/Appearance is...

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Take George Strait’s Song on Living Well

♠TOP ACE Kerosene Cowboy's Sportswriter♠ AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE EXCEPTIONAL SPORTS for Life Take George Strait's Song on Living Well- This song by George Strait we should take to heart, No pun intended, for living Well and Healthy. I have followed a healthy diet,...

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