Khaki Independent Ole Southern Cowboy Observer Journal

The BLUE RIBBON Fashion Statement provided my my GYM that has provided me with health and fitness results even at age 66 that is actually is a SPA as well for the age-defying benefits that I have experienced with simple and basic equipment.

By: Charles W. Boatright, President of THE GREAT QATSPY® Company

Kiosco is Spanish for Newspaper Stand


Blue Ribbon Fashion Statement is Your Fitness– At age 66, I have Health & Conditioning I had in my Mid-30’s including condition of my Skin. I Follow my MACS Health & Fitness Routine in my Home Gym that consists of basic exercise equipment.  

The Photograph above was taken yesterday morning (August 29th, 2023) in my GYM after my morning workout and to cool down to remove sweat that purges my body of toxins. The best age-defying SPA Treatment that you can follow is the one you can do even at your home with very basic exercise equipment, shown above.

The exercise equipment that is shown above is all the equipment that I use 6-5-days a week going through my MACS (Metabolic Aerobic-Cardio Strength) Workout. The MACS is a 50-50 workout where 50%- is Aerobic & Cardio and 50%- Strength training based on free weights that I use that doesn’t exceed 45- lbs. with resistance tubing ranging from 15 lbs. to 100 lbs.

Provide Your Own Natural Growth Hormone with a Strength Program

The lion share of workouts that people do after their New Year’s Resolutions focuses on Aerobic & Cardio training while strength training might not be a part of their workout. Your muscle strength is important because they are responsible for producing a growth hormone called Fibroblast Natural Growth Hormone that produces collagen to your connective tissue, joints, and the condition of your skin.

If you want younger looking skin and healthy joints, it is as simple as having strength program that includes both free weights (dumbbells) and resistant tubing. While free weights are great to build and strengthen muscles, resistant tubing is used to tone muscle tissue. Even those in assisted living quarters can use resistant tubing for strength, flexibility, and maintain balance. I can’t even stress enough how important balance and stability is as we age. Most older people loose their independence due to a fall. A strength program can help prevent this.

Working out on a punching bag is part of Parkinson’s patience treatment program to maintain muscle control and cognitive functions. So investing in a pair of kickboxing gloves and 80 lb. bag are great pieces of equipment that you can have as part of your gym workout. I do three- 3-minute rounds with 30- second water break between rounds. Believe me, 9- minutes on a bag is all you want to do and still do the remaining your workout.

Adding Muscle to Burn Additional Calories

The other benefit of adding muscle besides the age-defying component is for every pound of muscle you add your body is burning 50 additional calories per day, even while you are sleeping. Just think of the boost you will give your body if you lose 10 pounds of fat and replace it with 10- pounds of muscles mass. That would be equate to burning 500 calories during the normal course of your day.

During one of my normal 45- minute workouts, I’m burning approximately 485 calories with heart pumping blood and sweating. Even during your off days of training, you are burning 500 additional calories per day just by adding 10- pound of muscle. But that is not all you’re doing with those muscles, you are also producing your own natural growth hormone and collagen for healthier and younger looking skin. There’s nothing from a jar of a skincare product on the market that can achieve what a health and fitness program can provide you working inside-outward.


Turn Your Body into a Turbocharged Calorie- Burning Juggernaut Dropping Weight and Years

Part of my business that I operate also includes modeling THE QATSPY® apparel where I’m posing with our model in their early 20’s. If you want a challenge at age 66, try modeling with young model(s) in their 20’s, shown below.

This was taken on August 12th, 2023 where we are doing the photoshoot for our Fall Fashion line up in our online store. Use this link to shop from our apparel and training programs that you can do at home.

Better yet try, in addition to doing a photoshoot with young models that we did this August at our hangar; turn around and do an AB Challenge as well. The AB Challenge, below, was taken after we did our photoshoot in our hangar with me leaning against my INDIAN Scout Bobber 60 Motorcycle.

This was an AB Challenge that I did after our photoshoot that we did for our Fall Fashion line up. In the photograph, I’m 66 years old.

In addition to our Quapaw Aviation Tiger Sports Performance Yukan Outfitter (THE QATSPY®) Apparel is my MACS Health & Fitness Program. This program has allowed me to be able to model at age 66. There is nothing more scrutinizing than stepping in front of a camera lens that even a mirror can’t provide you with more critical details than the camera can.

If you want those great looking clothes that you see in ads and on models to look just as good on you when you get home, I offer you The MACS Health & Fitness Program. This E-book download, below, also contains all my workout videos where I describe how to properly perform each of my exercise elements with safety and providing you with results NOT in Months, but in WEEKS!

The MACS Diet that is included in this E-book has turned my body into a Turbocharged Calorie-Burning Juggernaut that also has an age-defying component. You’re just aren’t dropping weight and inches off, but you are dropping years off your skin, as shown in these photographs above. In addition you aren’t just stopping your age clock, you are actually turning your age clock backwards. Proper diet and exercises can allow you to turn back time as I have experienced.

Use the Link below to Purchase your E-book Download: