THE QATSPY® Quapaw Athletic Tactical Sportswear Performance, Yukan Outfitter Company
By: Charles W. Boatright, President of THE QATSPY®
A Father’s True Grit and Right Stuff– What are the Attributes Required for Fathers to Train, Coach, Support, Lead, and Provide Guidance
A young lady made a video where she was explaining that she found it difficult looking for masculine man that had a certain political philosophy. If that is her top priority, I can understand her difficulty in looking for a man based on that requirement alone. Unfortunately we don’t live in a world that is perfect where in this case men fit certain mold.
There are several attributes that men need to be a FRIEND, a HUSBAND, a FATHER, that rolls up into what I would describe as a LIFE COACH for LIFE. Probably sports is great for basic training for what this young lady was describing in what she was looking for in a masculine man; or what I would described as the QUIET STRENGTH of TRUE GRIT.
King Davis and His Life
I have studied King David and his life from a time that he was a young shepherd boy of about 15- years old to his death. He was the youngest of nine- sons of Jesse when the Prophet Samuel went to the Jesse house to anoint the next King of Israel. Like this young lady explained Samuel was looking for a certain mold among Jesse’s sons.
The eight sons that Samuel met weren’t the one that God has chosen to be King of Israel. Samuel before, leaving asked if Jesse had any other sons. Jesse explained that he had his youngest son, David, who was attending his herd out on the hillside. David was the boy that would be King of Israel. Examining David’s life, you understand that David wasn’t perfect, but David remained the apple of God’s Eye; because of his attributes he developed as a boy.
Even though David wasn’t perfect he had what was described as True Grit based on his skills that he developed and demonstrated throughout his life listed below, in other words, David wasn’t a Liberal Arts Major:
David was Responsible– David learned to take care of his father’s herd grazing on the hillside of Bethlehem where he learned to defend and protect the herd as they grazed. David confronted wild animals (bears and lions) that threatened the herd. This was where David learned how to use a slingshot to ward off predators 4 time his size and weight.
David was Humble– After Samuel anointed David at the approximate age of 15- years old, David went back to his duties as a shepherd up until three of his brothers were called up for Military service with Israeli Defense against the Philistines. Jesse, David’s father, asked David to go and check on the welfare of his three brothers and carried some food to them. Jesse three sons were serving in the Israeli Military at the time. To serve in the Israeli Military then one would have to be 21 or older.
David was Confident, Courageous, and Committed– At about 19- years old, David made his way to the battle front where his three brothers were serving in the Israeli Military infantry. David noticed that there was a standoff between Israelites and the Philistines due to a warrior known as Goliath. Goliath stood 7- foot 9- inches in height. To David, this was like Déjà_vu all over again defending his herd from wild animals.
David asked the question, “Why are you allowing this barbarian, Goliath, to intimidate you?” David’s brother mentions this to King Saul that David has volunteered to confront Goliath with just a slingshot and five choice stones. David used the skills that he developed being a shepherd with his slingshot to maintain his distance out of the range of Goliath spear. This is a key strategy of successful people, take advantages of your strengths and avoid your weakness.
Saul wanted to give David his armor that would have only made it difficult for David to launch his projectile toward Goliath. David explained to King Saul that he had confronted bears and lions that were more ferrous than this barbarian was tending to his father’s herds. With the skills, confidence, courageousness and commitment, David who was probably 5- foot 8- inches, approached Goliath that tried to intimidate David with insults and trepidation.
David slingshotted a stone that hit Goliath in the middle of Goliath forehead that temporarily debilitated Goliath. David then took Goliath’s own sword and removed his head. David demonstrated three of the main attributes of True Grit: being confident in his skills and training, courageous to confront insurmountable odds, and committed to a challenging path that is often paved with difficulties and obstacles that are more obvious than the objective is.
David put the Needs of Others in Front of His in His Leadership– On several occasions like in confronting Goliath and later King Saul, both that wanted to kill David, David led from the front. Leadership takes confidence, being courageous, and committed to basic principles that he learned on his own tending his father’s herds. What was unique about David and his army was that they were considered a band of Rebels, modern-day commandos. David’s Rebels didn’t bend to the intimidation of others. NOTE: Learn a trade along with other formal education. Trade skills are just as valuable as any other education.
David was a Man of Faith without Fear and Love For Others– Sometimes it is difficult to explain the importance of one’s FAITH without FEAR to others. But in sports faith is often described as perseverance and confidence during the game without fear. You might not know the conditions that you will have to perform under or the obstacles that you will have to face; but you are certain of the objective that you want and what it will take to arrive there. Fear will only parallelize a person with what we refer to as Paralysis Analysis. You have to be committed to what you are doing without one doubt.
The current 2023 NCAA College World Series is a great example of perseverance of faith. In the games that I have watched this week, I witnessed teams being down by as much as five runs, but they never gave up or quit, even in the ninth inning with 2- outs and 2- strikes. If you are a father with children, one of the best ways to teach your children these attributes of True Grit is being involved in sports where you are playing along with them. It will keep you young, as well!
To be involved in sports regardless of your age, you have to possess physical, mental, and spiritual strength and conditioning. Conditioning was what David formed while tending his herds and protecting them. Fathers just because you’re over the age of 40, you don’t have to be handicapped by the ravages of aging. Your health, fitness, and active lifestyle are essential to seeing your children and grandchildren grow up and enjoying the friendship of your wife and friends. The objective is to enjoy your life everyday and remain active.
The last Attribute of David’s True Grit was His Mercy and forgiveness that he gave and received– If you read the entire story of David’s life, even though he was the apple of God’s Eye, he definitely wasn’t perfect. David was not only an adulterer, but he was an accessory to a murder, Uriah’s murder to cover up his adultery. He compounds his problems by not admitting his mistakes of adultery.
David wrote his autobiography in Psalms where in Psalms 32:3 When I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long. Psalms 32:5 Then I acknowledged my sin to You and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the LORD.” And You forgave the guilt of my sin. Underline the word guilt!
Pay close attention to four key words- (1) Acknowledgement, (2) Confess, and (3) forgiveness of the sin and (4) even the guilt of the sin.
Guys, no one is perfect, but the key is to be faithful with persistence to the process and to your principles. Sports are excellent object lessons to reach success through failures, especially with your kids, it is called failing forward. If you want to be what this young lady explains as what she is looking for, be strong, confident, and faithful (perseverance) without fear or intimidation in a man, David’s life is a great example for masculinity this young lady is looking for.
High performing athletes know that success and failures are part of the game, but to become strong, confident, and develop persistence do this- Use your failures to gain much needed experience, and use your successes for gaining your confidence. Remember that education is no substitute for your experience and your confidence.
Remember this– You Don’t have to be a father or perfect to provide these attributes of a father to others. You can be a life coach or friend to provide training and guidance to others.
Another man to read about is Joshua that led the Israelites through 40- years of the wilderness and later into the Promised Land. The book of Joshua is a great book to read for leadership.
Guys your health and fitness are essential to enjoying your life with your family now and later. Jews have a prayer called The Shema Prayer (or listen to Prayer), in this prayer there are three requirements- Heart, Soul and/or mind, and Strength. Doctors and researchers have proved what benefits the heart also benefits the mind, and/or soul. Your Diet and Fitness are essential to you, especially as you age.
In the featured image above, I’m 65 and soon to be 66 years old. I follow a diet based on WHAT and WHEN I eat along with a fitness routine that includes Cardio-Aerobics and Strength Training 5 times per week in my Gym. I have health, strength, and conditioning that I enjoyed in my mid-30’s at age 65. Use the following links to read more about my CASIMIR DIET & FITNESS along with my Palmer Golf Swing Coaching Techniques and two others of my E-books:
The Sports Bible, The Yellowstone Papers- Coach’s Guide to Sports Performance