THE QATSPY® Quapaw Aviation Tiger Sportswear Performance, Yukan Outfitter Company
By: Charles W. Boatright, President of THE GREAT QATSPY® Company
The Kryptonite that Interferes with Diets– There are 2 Reasons WHY You have Minimum Results from your Diet to Lose Weight/Get into Shape. The 2 Culprits are WHAT we eat & WHEN we eat that controls our Metabolism/ability to Lost Weight
The CHAMPS Diet is based on:
WHAT to eat- Selecting food with a low Metabolic Pyruvate Index (MPI) number of 3.25 or lower.
WHEN to eat- Eating between 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
You follow these two principles in your diet and you’ll turn your body into a Turbocharged-Calorie-Burning-Juggernaut where you are dropping Lbs. and inches in weeks not months. And better yet, you’ll see your health numbers improve dramatically. I just had my annual physical at age 66, and I turned in numbers of a man in his mid-30’s without being on any medication of any kind. You are also dropping years off the appearance of your skin based on Diet & Exercise.
Refer to the featured photograph above and my Waistline Chart, below:
On November 28th, 2014, I started my CHAMPS Diet that is a part of The CHAMPS Health & Fitness Program. Just within 13- weeks into my CHAMPS Health & Fitness Program, I had dropped from 37.75- inches down to 31.75- inches (27Feb2015), that’s 6- inch lost in my waist. My goal was to lose down to 31.0- inches by June of 2015. Needless to say, I was shocked while also being impressed with my results that I experienced as noted in my photoshoots and my chart, above.
I had an incentive to lose weight, I was starting my sports performance and apparel company, THE QATSPY®. I enjoy fashion and fitness that are my passions, I had planned on modeling the apparel in our SPORTY Cockpit Collection and doing training videos starting in June of 2015 at age 57, that also included golf training videos, shown below in May of 2015.
I have continued to model our Sporty Cockpit Collection now for 8-years in August of 2023 at age 66 where we did our Fall Collection photoshoot of our sports apparel in the featured photograph. In this featured photograph above, I’m modeling with our young models in her early 20’s that works for us, this is challenge in itself.
But, after this photoshoot that we did on August 12th, 2023, I did an AB Challenge, below, where I’m on my INDIAN Scout Bobber 60 Motorcycle with a P-51 in the background. The CHAMPS Health & Fitness Program has allowed me to drop 9.25- inches in my waistline, where I’m at now, 9- years later. But, I also dropped about 30- years off the appearance of my skin and my vitals, as noted in the next paragraph.
The CHAMPS Health & Fitness also Impacted my Annual Physical, as well
Three days after my annual physical on August 30th, 2023, my doctor called me back into his office to share my results with me. He started by saying that I had excellent numbers for a man in his mid-30’s. Below are my numbers, or scores as how I like to refer to my vials, like golf scores, you want them low:
Blood Pressure: 116/61 Pulse 60
Blood Glucose: 109 (*Non Fasting)
Total Cholesterol: 158
Weight: 148
I tell people I’m 6-6: That’s 66- inches tall
Waistline: 28.50- inches
Age: 66
(*) The reason for the Non-Fasting blood glucose reading is that I have Hypoglycemia (or low blood sugar), if I go without eating past 10:00 AM I will pass out. My physical was at 10:30 AM on 30Aug2023. I always keep peanut butter crackers (what we call nabs in aviation) in my flight bag that goes with me everywhere.
The Components of the CHAMPS Health & Fitness Program
There are five (5) key components that make up the acronym CHAMPS Diet–
Complex-carbohydrates ■ Hyper ■ Amino-acid (protein) ■ Metabolic ■ Pyruvate/Probiotics ■ Soluble fiber Diet.
So WHAT are The 2- Kryptonite in Our Diets
There are two culprits in our diets that prevent us from losing weight and keeping off the weight and they are Sugars and Simple-Starches. One is easy to detect from the standard Nutrition Label while the other one isn’t listed on the label, but it has the most impact on our ability NOT to lose weight. The one not listed is simple starches, that is a bigger culprit than your sugars are because they are usually laced with salt and you don’t consider them sugars.
I used my chemical engineering background to develop the Metabolic Pyruvate Index (MPI) number where I use 9- data points from the standard Nutrition Label to detect food with a MPI of 3.25 or less, see the Nutrition Label for RANCH STYLE PINTO BEANS, below:
Foods with a MPI of 3.25 or less are foods that are very low in added sugars, simple- starches, Saturated, and Trans Fats. By reducing or eliminating these from your diet you can turn your body into a Turbocharged-Calorie-Burning-Juggernaut, as I have done in 13- weeks starting on 28Nov2014.
The-WHEN- The Circadian Rhythm
If you want to jumpstart your diet, then eat between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. that can dramatically improve your weight loss, blood pressure, glucose, cholesterol, and even your skin. This was a fact that John Tesh shared on his radio show, Intelligence for Your Life, that I proved does work! Eating after 6 p.m. interferes with the body’s natural ability to repair and rejuvenate itself, especially at night while sleeping. Combining the essential WHAT with WHEN to eat you will see weight lost in weeks not months. Refer to my actual Waistline Chart above.
Your Fitness Component
Above shows Brittney and me in my Oasis-Mojave Gym working out on a boxing bag that is a part of our aerobic training. Below, I’m performing bench presses with (2) 45- Lb. Dumbbells. The equipment that you see in these two photos is all the equipment I use.
When it comes to strength training, it isn’t the weight that you lift that is important, but the reps that you can perform that is important to your fitness. You want to use enough weight that you can do 3- sets of 10- reps with a 10- second rest period between sets. You want to do just enough reps and sets to a point of fatigue. If you build up your strength and stamina, you can either increase weight or increase reps per set. I prefer increasing reps with each set.
I was able to start working out again in November of 2014 after my hip replacement surgery. My workout consists of Cardio, Hypertrophy, Aerobic, Metcon, Performance, System working out.
Hypertrophy is the stimulation of muscle tone and growth with strength training. There is also another advantage to strength training that stimulates the production of a natural growth hormone called Fibroblast and collagen that the muscles release after being worked. Strength training is your best skincare treatment that you can use to look and feel younger, I can attest to this.
One piece of advice, before you start your workout sessions, perform some basic yoga poses especially if you are over that age of 50, it will help with balance, mobility, and flexibility issues. With four knee surgeries and a hip replacement, yoga directly benefits me in reducing stiffness, discomfort, while improving my stamina during my busy day.
I have my complete CHAMPS Health & Fitness in my E-book that you can downloaded and help you achieve results like I have achieved: