THE QATSPY® The Quapaw Aviation Tactical Sportswear & Performance, Your Outfitter Company, Authorized Distributor for US WINGS®

This article should be of some interest to any news, weather, and/or sports broadcaster.

I’m shown here in my home office wearing our US WINGS® Mil-Spec A-2 Leather Flight Jacket that has a nice fit, whether you’re sitting or standing, designed for aviators in the cockpit for improved mobility. Perfect fit to replace your Sports Jackets.

By: Charles W. Boatright, President of THE Quapaw Aviator Tactical Sportswear Performance, Your Outfitter Company

Indy’s Gear: Khaki Chinos & Leather Jacket– The Gear that was Born out of Necessity that Heavily Influenced Indiana Jones’ Movie Character  

The best gear and equipment are born out of necessity and are battlefield tested by having a military connection. Some of the best gear is military surplus that was manufactured based on U.S. Mil-Spec (or Military specifications). Military service personnel depend on their gear for their survival. I have highlighted two pieces of gear in this article that go to the very heart of survival.

Men and Women who put on the uniform and gear-up serving our country depend on their gear to function and perform as specified for their survival. I would like to focus on two pieces of gear that heavily influence Indiana Jones’ outfit and are fashionable, even in today’s era. One piece of gear goes back to 1898, during the Spanish-American War. The other piece of gear goes back to just before World War II, to June of 1931.   

The Two pieces of gear are khaki Chino pants and the other is the A-2 Leather Flight Jacket. You might wonder how these two pieces of gear were important to the survival of our military and also influenced Indiana Jones’ outfit. Both were developed and issued out of necessity for survival of soldiers and of aviators. It isn’t too unusual for military gear to become a part of civilian life and influence fashion for decades. Even motorcycle riders, after returning home from World War II through Vietnam, wore the leather jacket with patches as part of their image.

A Brief History of the Khaki Chinos

Understanding the history of fashion helps us to develop personal styles that also set design standards for clothing that endures for decades. This is a significant benefit for you in shopping for clothing, due to their historical significance of the styles that endure for decades. These are requirements that become part of our fabric as a nation. You realize that something is a classic when it becomes a standard that is copied over-and-over for decades.


To highlight this, in 2019, the U.S. Army returned to the Class-A uniform that was worn in the early 1940’s that we see in movies dating back to that era of the Greatest Generation. One thing that the English people remarked about during World War II was how well our service personnel were sharply dressed. A major part of that impression was the khaki chino pants and the leather flight jackets that our aircrews and airborne units wore in England while waiting for The D-Day Invasion.

The following is the brief history of how these two pieces of gear became part of the fabric of American history and a standard of fashion, even a century later. History helps us understand what makes something become part of the fabric of our lives that we can identify with for decades and are simple and nostalgic in their design.


The Khaki Chino Gear of Pants and Shirts

Most fashions that endure have a common link, as they were born out of sheer necessity and, in some cases, survival, so they were essential. We have immense appreciation for simple styles that impact our lives, in terms of confidence they provide. Nothing can replace our confidence in how we look and feel in wearing certain styles. Our standard wardrobe isn’t so much based on fashion or even style that appeals to us as it is the confidence of what we wear provides us.


Let’s start with the term Chino– The cotton fabric that was used for pants and shirts that our military wore during the Spanish-American War of 1898 that was imported from China. The soldiers, and particularly the Rough Riders, led by Colonel Theodore Roosevelt up San Juan Hill, used the French term ‘Chinois‘ for the imported Chinese, or Chinois, milled fabric. The French term Chinos stuck and that described the pants that go with almost anything we wear that is a key component of our confidence.

Besides my blue jeans that I wear while working around the farm, hangar, and for leisure wear, the majority of my pants are Chinos. Both my blue jeans and khaki chinos are able to be paired with almost anything, in terms of a shirt and jacket.

I’m wearing my blue jeans with our US WINGS® A-2 Leather Flight Jacket with the AVIAT AIRCRAFT HUSKY A-1A that we used for aerial patrol. A very reliable, tough as nails aircraft. I don’t leave home without my A-2 Leather Flight Jacket that out- performs any cloth sports jacket, especially on my INDIAN Motorcycle.


Now let’s look at the word khaki– More often than not, the term khaki is also used to describe the fabric of the pants, rather than just the color of the fabric of the pants. The term khaki goes back to the British Military infantry in India, just before the American Civil War ended in 1865.

Before smokeless gunpowder was used on a large scale starting in 1884, camouflage, or concealment, wasn’t a serious consideration for the infantry. The battlefield was usually so obscured with dense, black powder smoke from cannon and rifle fire from smooth bore rifles that nothing could be seen once the battle started. This persisted up to just after the American Civil War ended.

Take note of the smooth bore rifles that were used during this same time period, leading up to the Civil War. The discontinued use of smooth bore rifles also influenced the need for concealment with clothing.

Both the smokeless gunpowder and rifling in barrels of canons, rifles, and later pistols had a huge impact on the color of military uniforms. The introduction of smokeless gunpowder cleared up the battlefield and rifling, or spiral grooves milled inside the barrel, imparted spin on the projectile. This made cannon and rifle fire a lot more accurate over longer distances. This brought the color of the uniforms into question.

Up to the introduction of smokeless gunpowder and riflings, the same uniforms used for marching in a parade were also used for marching into battle. That didn’t improve the survival rate, once smokeless gunpowder and riflings were introduced. In the case of the British, the white trousers and red coats provided a great line of sight on the battlefield to place rounds on target.


Again, born out of necessity, the white pants that the British infantryman wore since before the American Revolutionary War gave way to the need of concealment and losing the red coats.

The British Infantrymen gave us Khaki Chinos    

The Infantrymen serving in India with the British Military took it upon themselves to use their tea and mix it with soil to dye their white pants and shirts a light brown color to blend in with their surroundings. Since the British expeditionary force was in India, the Hindu word for sand color is the word ‘khaki‘. Khaki color pants and shirts became standard issue of most military uniforms around the world even today, from the mid-1800’s.

The Classic- A-2 and the G-1 Leather Flight Jackets

World War I was the first time aviation was used on such a large scale, not just for aerial reconnaissance, but also for ground support, like later on for air cavalry, aerial bombardment, and dog fighting.

This expanded role of aviation took a significant amount of training for aviators not just to fly, but for conducting aerial combat missions. Investing that much time and money in aviation training made it necessary for the U.S. Army Air Corps to protect their highly-trained squadrons from future pandemics after the 1918 Spanish Flu. The Spanish Flu claimed more lives than were killed in battle during World War I.

Up to 1931, the leather flight jackets issued to aviators were based on the A-1 Leather Flight Jacket, which had a button-up, overlap front and open waistline and cuffs. These were air gaps that exposed aviators’ clothing to airborne pathogens. The A-2 Leather Flight Jacket was modified with a zipper, with an overlapped front flap and elastic waistband and cuffs to seal off these areas. This was the same principle that medical staff used by duct taping and sealing off cuffs on legs and sleeves of their hazmat gear during the China, COVID-19, virus.


The A-2 Leather Flight Jacket Provided that Fitted Look

The A-2 Leather Flight Jacket worn by our U.S. Military personnel provided that fitted look that caught the eye of the English people who were well-steeped in fashion, especially the English ladies. You couple that with that swashbuckler look that English people had of our U.S. Military personnel, and the A-2 Leather Flight Jacket just finished off that Hollywood, fitted look that trumped any sports jacket.

This is the G-1 Flying Tiger Leather Flight Jacket that provides the fitted look with the elastic waistband that would help broadcaster’s when standing or sitting in front of the camera lens.

Contrast that Hollywood, fitted look of the A-2 Leather Flight Jacket with typical sports jackets that broadcasters on television wear, while either sitting or standing in front of the camera lens. Broadcasters giving news, weather, or sports accentuate the issues with the standard sports jacket, either buttoned or unbuttoned. The buttoned sports jacket doesn’t allow for that nice, fitted look, without tight tension where the sports jacket is buttoned. More times than not, the sports jacket bunches up and separates above and below where it is buttoned.

The fit of our US WINGS® A-2 or our G-1 Leather Flight Jacket eliminates this bunched-up gap look, especially the tension where the sports jacket is buttoned. Purchase our leather flight jacket that not only has the form-fitted and fashion look; but also provides you with that do anything, go anywhere, at any time look that our A-2 or G-1 Leather Flight Jacket provides for both men and women.

Our A-2 or G-1 Leather Flight Jackets can even withstand the rigors of flying in the cockpit, but also when riding a motorcycle that I ride, going to and from our hangar. Do that with your cloth sports jacket and see how well it holds up to the wear and tear. These features helped influence and inspire the Indiana Jones Jacket and khaki chino pants that Harrison Ford wore on his archeological expeditions, as noted below.

This was taken during the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular at Walt Disney World, where the actor is wearing the Leather Jacket that the A-2 Leather Flight Jacket inspired.