THE QATSPY® Quapaw Aviation Tactical Sportswear Performance, Your Outfitter Company
The Body is a Temple of God keep it as strong and fit as your Faith is!
By: Charles W. Boatright,
President of THE QATSPY
The Top 10 Obese Cities in The U.S.– Jackson, MS comes in at No. 7 Obese Cities in the United States of Obesity Rate, Honor You Don’t Want
The Top 10 Cities in the United States that are rated as Obese:
No. 1 McAllen-Edinburgh-Mission, Texas
No. 2 Memphis Tennessee
No. 3 Baton Rouge, Louisiana
No. 4 Little Rock, Arkansas
No. 5 Shreveport, Louisiana
No. 6 Birmingham, Alabama
No. 7 Jackson, Mississippi
No. 8 Mobile, Alabama
No. 9 Lafayette, Louisiana
No. 10 Knoxville. Tennessee
Now before you just focus on these 10 cities in the United States as being the highest obese cities, just consider this one fact that 42- percent of the entire nation, that even includes children, are OBESE. That isn’t over weight, but obese! We just came through a pandemic that claimed 1,113,229 Americans between Jan2020 through Mar2023. One of the factors for the death toll was a compromised immune systems. Our immune system is heavily dependent on our health status and avoiding obesity that is a major factor that compromises the health of our immune system.
Just at first glance, nine of the TOP 10 list of cities in the United States that are rated as highest Obese Cities are in the south. Except for one City in Texas, all are in the SEC (South East Conference) footprint. SEC is where we like our sports, or at least we like to watch our sports.
What is difficult to understand is the weather in these areas for nine-to-ten (9-10) months out of the year have warm and nice weather conditions to get out and have an active lifestyle. Weather that allows us the ability to get out and enjoy the sport of exercise that we can participate in as a matter of improving our health and fitness. First thing we need to do is reconsider our fitness as a sport and not just exercises we have to do, but what we should enjoy doing to for the most important game our health.
FIRST Reconsider Fitness as Your SPORT
This means we need to rethink walking, bicycling, jogging, calisthenics, swimming, hiking, shooting baskets, golf, boxing bag workout, etc. as a sports and not just exercises we have to do. Calisthenics is where we are using your body’s weight for our fitness workout. This is easy and accessible for all of us, regardless of our medical condition. We need at least 2- hour and 30- minutes (or 150- minutes) of moderate physical fitness activity per week.
You are just talking about 150- minutes per week, that is 30- minutes of physical activity five (5) days a week. That could include power walking where you use 3- Lbs Dumbbell weights in each hand to walk 30- minutes 5- days per week, for instance. Fitness doesn’t have to be strenuous to be beneficial and see results if paired with a healthy DIET.
Now let’s turn our attention to what has an 80 percent impact on our health and fitness, our DIETS. This should be good news to all of us, in that we don’t have to spend hours per day on physical fitness, but more on WHAT & WHEN we eat.
How to Use Nutrition Labels to Determine WHAT You can Eat to Improve Your Health & Fitness
SECOND We need to focus on WHAT the real culprit to obesity is, our diets, what we eat on a daily basis impacts our health and fitness more than any one other issue. I will be the first to admit that it is difficult to make heads or tails of the Nutrition Label, shown below, on food items at grocery stores to figure out WHAT is healthy to eat and to get into better shape. Your DIET will account for 80 percent of your ability to drop weight and inches based on WHAT to eat and WHEN to eat. Both are important to your overall health and fitness
Here why it is difficult to make heads or tails of the Nutrition Labels: Just compare the label from a Sweet Potato to that of an Idaho Potato.
At first glance, you would think that the Idaho Potato would be the better choice due to the lower sugar content of just 1 gram compared to that of 7 grams of sugar for Sweet Potato, but you would be wrong. This is due to the hidden sugars (starches) content of Idaho Potato that has a higher System Index (SI) of 3.438. Perfect food that you need to consider eating for your health are foods that are at or below a SI of 3.25.
Being able to analyze Nutrition Labels will play a huge part in you being able to improve your health and fitness. You want to choose foods that has a SI at or below 3.35. This indicated food selections that are high in Protein, high in Fiber, Omega-3 Fats, Probiotic and Complex Carbohydrates for your heart health. The Idaho Potatoes consist of Simple Carbohydrates that you want to avoid. Not all carbohydrates are the same, this is where some diets are actually unhealthy and are harmful for you to follow and that can jeopardize your heart health.
Eat Your Meals Based on Your Circadian Rhythms
THIRD We need to consider WHEN is the most healthiest time to eat. Just like our ability to get healthy sleep is based on our Circadian Rhythms, so is WHEN we need to eat is also based on Circadian Rhythms. Our body metabolism functions the most efficiently between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.
We should eat our meals between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Eating past 6 p.m. negatively impacts our health by weight gain and especially jeopardizes the health of our skin. How many people would want to look younger and healthier? Then eat your meals between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. and stay at or below a System Index (SI) of 3.25.
Nine (9) Data Points that I Use to Determine WHAT I Eat Between 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
I use nine (9) data points, as noted on the Nutrition Label on the Pinto beans, shown above, that come in at a SI of 2.80. The SI determines WHAT you can eat between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. that is at or below a SI of 3.25.
What you’re doing by using the SI of WHAT to eat and WHEN to eat (between 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.) is the ability to turn your body into a Turbocharged-Calorie-Burning-Juggernaut. I lost 52- Lbs. and 8.75- inches within 6- months just by giving my body the ability to function as God intended it to function.
My Waistline Chart is posted below, I prefer measuring my waistline as opposed to weighing in, because I added muscle during my strength training and the cloth tape (shown in the feature image is what I use to measure my waistline) is accurate and is inexpensive. A healthy waistline is based on taking your height in inches and divide by 2. For example I’m 66- inches tall so my healthy waistline is 66 / 2 = 33- inches. But since I’m modeling, I used a 2.2 factor, or 66 / 2.2 = 30- inches. I exceeded that by dropping down to 29.0- inches where I’m at now, 9- years later.
As you can gather from being 66- inches tall, I wasn’t recruited highly out of high school for college basketball teams.
My Results at Age 65 of Following The CASIMIR DIET & FITNESS System
At age 65, I’m able to model my sportswear collection, in front of a camera lens that will be your most critical critique for the status of your health and fitness. Photographs can be used as incentives to get into shape. Nothing is more critical than the lens of the camera is in regard to your health and fitness. My exercise and diet program that I started following in November of 2014 has provided the results to me to able to do an AB Challenge below at age 65, nine (9) years later after following my CASIMIR DIET & FITNESS System, this was taken on January 07th, 2023 in our hangar, below:
What I did in developing the CASIMIR DIET & FITNESS System was to use my chemical engineering background and Kinesiology to provide me with the health and fitness that I had in my mid-30’s, but NOW at age 65. I even have age-defying skin that I had in my mid-30’s, as well. I accomplished this by not eating past 6 p.m. and having a diet that is high in Protein, high in Fiber, Omega-3 Fats, Probiotic and Complex Carbohydrates, all of which are great for providing age-defying skin that looks years, if not decades younger. I enter into evidence the following photographs.
Below are photoshoots that we did for our HEMI-QUINN Collection that includes our khaki Chino pants, Button-down Oxford Shirt and our Personalized Leather Flight Jackets that makes great sports jackets. In all these photoshoots, I’m 65 years old: