THE QATSPY® Quapaw Aviation Tiger Sportswear Performance, Yukan Outfitter Company
By: Charles W. Boatright, President of THE GREAT QATSPY® Company
The Benefits of THE MACS Health & Fitness Program: even at my age of 66 on THE MACS Health & Fitness Program. The MACS turns your body into a Turbocharged Calorie-Burning- Juggernaut to look younger eating healthy/working out 4 x week:
The term MACS stands for Metabolic Amino acid Complex carbs Soluble fiber in the diet and for Metabolic Aerobic-Cardio Strength training fitness Program that provides me the results in weeks not months that I started in November of 2014. The MACS Health & Fitness Program allows your body to become a Turbocharged Calorie-Burning- Juggernaut through your normal activities during the day even while you are asleep by eating healthy and following a full body workout 4- times a week.
The Turbocharging Effects of MACS Health & Fitness Program
This is the turbocharging effects– For every pound of muscle that you add to your body, you are burning 50- additional calories per day per pound of muscle added. If you drop just 10- pounds of fat and replace it with 10- pounds of muscle, you are burning 500- additional calories per day during your normal activities in addition to your 4- workouts per week. So when you start a fitness program, just don’t focus on aerobic exercises only, include strength training.
As you age you will appreciate the benefits of muscle mass that you have added and maintained, especially when you get over the age of 40. In the three (3) photographs of me in my Oasis-Mojave Gym, above, and in the one in our hangar, at the end of this article, I’m over the age of 65. I still have maintained the condition that I had in my mid-30’s NOW! I still work my two farms and in my welding shop.
Burning Calories with Muscle and Exercise
During one of my normal workouts, I usually can burn about 470- calories in a span of 45- minutes doing aerobics-cardio and strength training exercises. Just by replacing 10- pounds of fat with 10- pounds of muscles, you can burn more calories than what I can do during one of my normal 45- minute workout routine in my Oasis-Mojave Gym.
You couple 10- pound of added muscle burning 500 calories per day with your routine workout, you’re looking at burning a compound effect of 900- calorie burn per day in addition to your normal activities during the day that can consume about 1,800 calories per day.
Turbocharging Your Diet
Dropping weight is pretty simple, it comes down to burning more calories than you are taking in per day. The Turbocharging effect is added by knowing two things about your diet, knowing WHAT to eat (food with a MIR of 3.25 or less) and knowing WHEN to eat (between 9 AM – 6 PM). The MIR is based on taking 9- data points from the standard Nutrition Label to identify two culprits to weight gain- sugar and the hidden sugar, your starches know as simple carbohydrates.
I was able to lose 4.75- inches in my waistline just during the month of December of 2014, right in the middle of the holidays by following THE MACS Health & Fitness Program. If you want to stress test the effectiveness of a diet, follow it during the month of December, between Thanksgiving and Christmas. If it works under those conditions, it will work under any conditions.
Below is my Waistline Chart that I started on November 28th, 2014 and kept through September of 2015. Between November 28th to December 31, 2014, I dropped 4.75- inches in my waistline just in that one month. I prefer to measure my waistline as opposed to doing weigh-ins based on the fact that on THE MACS Health & Fitness Program, I’m adding muscle mass that weighs 0.613 oz. per cubic inch, and dropping fat, that weighs 0.532 oz. per cubic inch. I dropped a total of 9.25- inches in my waistline between November 28th, 2014 and September 05th, 2015, in nine months; that is equivalent to dropping about 52- pounds.
Drop Weight & Inches in Weeks not Months
What was surprising to me was that I reached my first intermediate target waistline of 32.0- inches by January 22, 2015, within 8- weeks, that I originally had slated for in May of 2015. THE MACS Health & Fitness Program allows you to drop weight and inches in weeks instead of months to start modeling. That would be great news for those of you who usually make the top two New Year’s Day Resolutions, of losing weight and getting into better shape, but usually fail to achieve due to not knowing WHAT and WHEN to eat and workout properly.
Below is a modeling that I just did for our Fall Fashion of The SPORTY’S WRIGHT Bros. & Cockpit Collection that we did on August 12th, 2023 at our hangar. There is not a more test of your health and fitness than stepping in front of a camera lens that reveals more than any mirror can.
While Dropping my Weight & Inches I was Dropping the Grand Slam of Health Numbers
THE MACS Health & Fitness Program also allowed me to drop in addition to my weight and inches of 9.25- inches, I dropped my blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol levels, and something that I hadn’t expected to drop, the age off my skin. By March of 2015, I was noticing that my skin looked and felt the way it did when I was in my mid-30’s then and then in May of 2015 at the age 57.
Now at age 65, my age isn’t reflected in the appearance of my skin, I’m still have the condition of my health and skin that I had during my mid-30’s. I credit both the drop of my weight and my age to THE MACS Health & Fitness based on WHEN and WHAT I ate.
The Challenge to Your Age
In the featured image above, I’m shown with Britney, one of our models that works with us, she is in her early 20’s. In addition to an AB Challenge, taken here on August 12, 2023, that is challenging enough in itself, I’m also posing with Britney that is about to worked out on the boxing bag during one of our training sessions. A boxing bag workout is a great aerobic-cardio element to add to your routine for either men and women of all ages.
The boxing bag element also provides a great cognitive health benefit that even Parkinson’s patients are using to improve and maintain their neuromuscular junction health for their muscular control and stability. ROCK STEADY uses boxing bags for their patience to use. Another technique that ROCK STEADY uses is music for mental health of their patience. I can’t workout without music, it relieves the mental stress of my workouts.
Below, you can purchase your own eBook copy of THE MACS Health & Fitness Program that contains my workout and videos of how to perform each element in my Oasis-Mojave Gym. I been following THE MACS Health & Fitness Program now for nine years, since December of 2014.
This allows you to set up your own home gym in a spare room with basic inexpensive exercise equipment, and shop at your local grocery store, or enjoy your favorite restaurant with family and friends. The only thing you got to give up is your weight and waistline, you can still eat delicious meals and be satisfied, shown above:
I did a previous AB Challenge after our Fall Fashion photoshoot on July 14, 2023 below in our hangar, I’m 66 years old: