Health Benefits of Smoked Fresh Meats- has over Processed Meats!
♠ ACE SPORTS PAGE ♠ AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE EXCEPTIONALISM SPORTS PAGE FOR YOUR HEALTH ♠ FITNESS ♠ FASHION APPAREL Fresh cut Kansas City Strip cut slowly smoked on my Smoke Gridiron PIT served with Pinto Beans and Home Made Whole Wheat Rolls that is based on a 200 year...
How to Fight Physical/Mental Ravages of Aging
♠ ACE SPORTS PAGE ♠ AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE EXCEPTIONALISM SPORTS PAGE Photograph taken during a photoshoot we did in our hangar where I'm featuring apparel from The TIGER SPORTY Cockpit Collection. I shown with one of my young models and a 1963 Chevrolet Stringray...
Kerosene Cowboy Smoker Gridiron PIT STOP
♠ ACE SPORTS PAGE ♠ AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE EXCEPTIONALISM SPORTS PAGE THE KEROSENE COWBOY SMOKER GRIDIRON PIT STOP By: Charles W. Boatright To make the most of every cookout with Food & Friends Kerosene Cowboy Smoker Gridiron PIT STOP- Enjoy Various Types of Wood...
How to use Sports to Achieve Success in Life
♠ ACE SPORTS PAGE ♠ AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE EXCEPTIONALISM SPORTS PAGE Friday's (August 2, 2024) Issue of AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE EXCEPTIONALISM SPORTS PAGE This was taken last month in our hangar where we are featured with a 1963 Chevrolet Stingray Corvette with a P-51...
Bar-B-Qing a Major Part of Our Culture
♠ ACE SPORTS PAGE ♠ AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE EXCEPTIONALISM SPORTS PAGE By: Charles W. Boatright Bar-B-Qing a Major Part of Our Culture- Here in the South from S. Carolina- Texas-Kansas and in The Ozarks Mountains B-B-Que is a Doctrine. Even the Last Supper the Lamb was...
Reduce/Eliminate/Reverse the Aging Process
♠ ACE SPORTS PAGE ♠ AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE EXCEPTIONALISM SPORTS PAGE By: Charles W. Boatright Reduce/Eliminate/Reverse the Aging Process- I just turned 67 and I look and feel as if I'm in my Mid-30's using Strength & Conditioning. How to turn the body into an...
P-234 one of the Most Famous Verse in History
♠ ACE SPORTS PAGE ♠ AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE EXCEPTIONALISM SPORTS PAGE By: Charles W. Boatright P-234 one of the Most Famous Verse in History- P-234 is Psalms 23:4 that contains just 30- Words describe trials that forge our faith. The 23rd Psalms Promises us that we...
For 3.5 Yrs, Democrats Wasn’t Concerned
♠ACE SATURDAY'S SPORTS PAGE♠ American Conservative Exceptionalism Sports Page THE QATSPY® From the Kerosene Cowboy Journal Perception By: Charles W. Boatright For 3.5 Yrs, Democrats Wasn't Concerned- Dems for 3.5 yrs had NO problem with Open Borders, Fuel Cost,...
Democratic Rep. Lloyd Doggett, of Texas, calling for Biden to step Down
THE QATSPY® From the Kerosene Cowboy Journal Perception By: Charles W. Boatright Democratic Rep. Lloyd Doggett, of Texas, calling for Biden to step Down- WHY NOW-5- months 'till November Elections. If Rep. Lloyd Doggett was serious about opposing Biden why didn't he...
Presidential Debate the Unforgivable Statement
THE QATSPY® From the Kerosene Cowboy Journal Perception If there are two things we learned from first COVID and now The WOKE Students at the Poisons Ivy Universities is how off the rails our education system is that are educating but indoctrinating students with...