THE QATSPY® Quapaw Athletic Training Sportswear Performance Yukan Outfitter Company
By: Charles W. Boatright, President of THE QATSPY®
Our Life of Probability/Statistics of Outcomes– Just like there are no certainties in life, except for death and taxes, there are no certainties of health/fitness. But Probability/Statistical Analysis plays an important role in our lives
One of my best movies to watch is Meet Joe Black with two of my favorite actors, Anthony Hopkins and Claire Forlani. Claire Forlani was also in the movie The Rock with my other two favorite actors Sean Connery and Ed Harris. Ed Harris was also in the movie TOP GUN: Maverick.
I wish that Ed Harris had a more extensive role in TOP GUN: Maverick, because he is that good of an actor. In the movie Meet Joe Black, Jake Weber, playing Drew, commented to Brad Pitt, playing Joe Black, that the only two certainties in life were Death and Taxes. So that means everything else is based on Probability and Statistical Analysis.
Just like there are no certainties in life, except for death and taxes, there are no certainties in regards to our health and fitness. We aren’t guarantee tomorrow, but this is where Probability and Statistical Analysis plays an important role in our lives for the best outcome.
I am an Engineer that dealt with Probability and Statistical Analysis, but you don’t have to be an engineer or mathematician to have dealt with Probability and Statistical Analysis, especially in regards to our health and fitness. You can just examine the cause and effect to see how a healthy diet and fitness program can improve your life and lower those numbers your doctor keep harping on for you to drop– Your Weight, Blood Pressure, Blood Glucose, and your Cholesterol NUMBERS.
Improving Your Probability and Statistical Analysis of Your Health
For instance we are aware that if we workout and eat a healthy diet chances are that we are going to be healthier and be able to enjoy life, especially as we age. But does that mean we won’t have health issues even with exercising and eating a healthy diet, by NO means. But that does mean that we have a better chance of recovery and lessen the chance of long-term negative effects on our health and fitness as a result of following a healthy diet and fitness program.
Making Heads & Tails of Nutrition Labels
How to eat healthy and stay in shape:
I’m 65 years old in the featured image above, and I workout daily and eat a healthy diet based on WHAT and WHEN I have my meals. The WHAT is where I use 9- data points that I pull from the Nutrition Label to identify foods that have a System Index Gauge (SIG) at or below a 3.25 factor.
The WHEN is eating between 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. this is when the body is able to effectively metabolize our food. By eating based on WHAT and WHEN I’ve turned my body into a (TCBJ) Turbocharged-Calorie-Burning-Juggernaut where I dropped 6.0-inches off my waistline in just 3- months by February 27, 2015, refer to my Waistline Chart below:
This is what the results of THE CASIMIR DIET & FITNESS System had on my health and fitness even being over the age of 57 back in November of 2014 when I started THE CASIMIR DIET & FITNESS System. But as you can see from my Waistline Chart, above, I dropped another 3.25-inch down to a waistline of 28.50- inches where I’m at today, 9- years later.
We are all here to improve our life and the lives of others. That was the reason that I retired after 33- years working in aviation and transmission lines utility work to start my Sportswear and Performance business, THE QATSPY®. The THE QATSPY® stands for Quapaw Athletic Training & Sportswear Performance Yukan. The term Yukan is Japanese for strong, vigorous, spirited, decisive, and exuberant something we all want to enjoy in our life.
The Five (5) Components of Our Success
There are five (5) components of Success in any adventure we undertake: (1) Understanding the process, (2) What are the benefits of efforts, (3) Being replicated, (4) Convenient to use in the process, and most important (5) Realizing Results of what success will look like.
THE CASIMIR DIET & FITNESS System is based on these five (5) components, listed above, as any procedure we would follow in life. But before you start this diet and fitness system, or any diet and fitness program, have someone take a frontal and two side photographs of you. This will be for your own use ONLY for motivation and compare yourself BEFORE and AFTER results. This is what keeps me motivated and to maintain my current health and fitness even at the age 65.
The camera lens will scrutinize your health and fitness better than any other method of your health and fitness. Modeling will place more demands on the status of your health and fitness than any other situation will.
I know this all too well by modeling my Hemi-Quinn Collection at age 65; even to a point of doing an AB Challenge in our hangar on Saturday, January 07th, 2023, below, after our photoshoot. Nothing beats a photo finished, especially if it pertains to your health and fitness at age 65.
Purchase your Download of THE CASIMIR DIET & FITNESS System: