THE QATSPY® Quapaw Aviation Tiger Sportswear Performance, Yukan Outfitter Company

This was a part of our FALL FASHION Photoshoot we did Yesterday, July 14th, 2023.

I’m shown here in our hangar with Heather, one of my models, doing a photoshoot for our A-2 Leather Bomber Jacket (Heather is wearing) and our G-1 Flying Tiger Leather Bomber Jacket (that I’m wearing) for our FALL FASHION. The Chevrolet Corvette is a 1963, and the aircraft is a P-51(D) Mustang in the background. This was taken July 14th, 2023 for our fall fashion of the SPORTY’S WRIGHT BROS. Collection. The P-51 Mustang is like to one Tom Cruise flew in the movie TOPGUN:MAVERICK and in the Lady Gaga video soundtrack entitled Hold My Hand. All four of these items are classics. The G-1 Leather Bomber Jacket with different patches can be purchased from our online store. Heather is wearing the A-2 Leather Bomber Jacket, the one I got while I was in the 101st 326st Combat Engineers.

By: Charles W. Boatright, President of THE QATSPY & Dealer for SPORTY’S WRIGHT BROS.

Getting & Staying Fit Over the Age of 66– I have a Simple/Effective Workout & DIET Program that Provides Me Condition that I had in my Mid-30’s

I get One comment in particular and two questions during a course of a typical week, especially at our fitness seminars. The COMMENT is this- I can’t believe you are over 65, I just turned 66!


The two questions that I get is FIRST– How can I (the person asking the question) stay in shape and toned? and SECOND– How can I have flat Abs and toned Quads like I see models have, at my age?

Start with Your DIET First

Before you go to the gym and start putting in long hours working out day-after-day, FIRST THING-get on a healthy diet, like CASIMIR DIET, that is high in protein, fiber, complex-carbs, probiotics, and omega-3 and 6 Diet. Your diet will account for 80% of your ability to become healthy and get into shape while the other 20% will be based on your workout and lifestyle that includes sports and hobbies.

In other words, follow a workout that includes cardio-aerobic with strength training and stay active with a hobby with a low impact sport. Important thing about a hobby, it that a hobby can turn into your second profession after you retire to stay active and help subsidize your retirement income. My definition of RETIREMENT is- Transitioning from what you have to do based on someone else’s schedule to doing what you love doing and you want to do, based on your schedule and pace.

The Benefits of Your Workout

Here’s why your workout is important to your health and fitness, besides giving you the ability to remain active. Your workout will also help you to avoid age-related medical issues. Your workout will also help you to avoid injuries in a sport or working around the house, or in my case, working on my farm and at our hangar. If you combine your workout with a healthy diet, you can defied your age and can even reverse the typical aging process. In the featured image above and at the end of this article, I’m 66. The other photo at the end of this article, I’m doing an AB Challenge after our photoshoot.

Recent news broadcast has highlighted the number of people that are dealing with injuries from playing PickleBall, which is supposed to be a low impact sport. It isn’t so much a PickleBall issue, as it is a health and fitness issue of people picking up the sport and are incurring injuries. It has to do with not being in condition and not properly stretching with yoga exercises prior to play. I want to encourage people to play sports like PickleBall or Golf, especially if you walk the golf course, like I do, 9.15 miles of hiking. I use the term hike because you’re carrying a 45-Lb bag.

To avoid serious injuries in even a low impact sport, like PickleBall or golf, start working out and follow a healthy diet before getting too involved in a medium to low impact sport. The sport you choose will encourage you to continue your diet and following a work out regimen. A sport is a great way to gauge how effective your diet and fitness is. THE KEY is to KEEP ACTIVE! 

The Two Questions that I get on a Regular Basis:

First QUESTION- How do I get flat stomach and Tone Abs?

I would recommend a healthy diet first and foremost followed then by seven Exercise Elements that I do that are a part of The FBX-25 Workout. The diet that we just discussed and the seven simple exercises involves working the quads, gluts, and particularly those abs.

Reason for your diet is important is that you will need to get down to 14% body fat index for women and 10% body fat index for men to see tone abs. I credit my abs to following THE CASIMIR DIET, first and foremost. In 4- weeks, I turned my body into a Turbo-Charged Calorie-Burning Juggernaut dropping 4 inches in 4-weeks; and 6-inches in 12-weeks and keeping those inches off now going on 9- years. I presently have a 28.75- inch waistline NOW. See my AB Challenge that I just did at our hangar on July 14th, 2023 after our photoshoot.

THE CASIMIR DIET will allow you to have rewarding meals and shop at your local grocery store, or enjoy your favorite restaurant. The only thing you need to use is to know WHEN to eat and WHAT to eat with food that has a Metabolic Index Rate (MIR) of 3.25 or less using the standard Nutrition Label.

Now to the 7- Exercises to do for ABS, QUADS, and GLUTS: 

Exercise No.1 Bench Ab Knee Crunches. Start by laying on a bench like you were do for bench presses, (Photo A). Bring your knees toward your abs as tight as you can crunching your abs, in (Photo B) , then pivot up at the shoulders blades in (Photo C). This is a bench crunch that will work your abs for a flatter stomach, shown below:

My four stage Bench Ab Crunches, this exercise has relived my sciatic nerve issues.

People’s attention is drawn to the waistline first followed than by the condition of your skin.


Exercise No.2 Stocking the Shelves with a Medicine Ball, or Bicycle crunches. Anytime you can twist and bend the upper body or the lower body at the hips is great exercise for defining your abdominal muscles and flatten your stomach. Use a 15 Lb. or less weighted Medicine Ball, this is where you won’t over stress your lumbar back muscles. Start at a lower weighted Medicine Ball and gradually work your way up to a 8, 12, or 15 Lb. Medicine Ball Maximum. If all you can do is 5 or 8 Lb. Medicine Ball that the ball you work out with for safety. DO NOT BE A HERO HERE! I have sciatic nerve issues from flying aircraft for over 33- years. This stocking the shelves is called a diagonal wood chopper shown below:

Stocking the Shelves or Diagonal Wood Chopper

Exercise No.3 Suspended knee Ab crunches, (not leg lift) using a bar you perform chin-ups suspended with your legs hanging down. Again, you want to bring the knees up to crunch the abdominal muscles. This is also a compound exercise that includes chin-ups and knee lift crunches at the same time.

Suspended Knee Ab Crunches

Suspended Knee Crunches

NOTE: But again, YOUR DIET is KEY to get your body fat index below the recommended body fat content before you see the stomach flatten and toning your abs.

Second QUESTION- How do I get those nice Quads and Glutes?

FOUR ways– Get Quads & Glutes

Exercise No. 4: Boxing bag workout or Dumbbell boxing workout, if you don’t have a bag. Just make sure you pivot at the waist using the quad muscles before throwing a punch toward the bag, or with the dumbbell. (I recommend using 10 Lb dumbbells or less). Below is me working out on my 80 Lb. bag. You want to lay hits along your ring knuckle and finger on each fist:

I’m working out in my gym on an 80 Lb. bag as part of my full body workout especially working the Quads, Glutes, Abdominal, and shoulder muscles.

Bag Workout

Exercise No. 5: Weighted Squats, forearm curls, and military Presses Combo, shown below:

Squats, Forearm Curls, and Military Press

Exercise No. 6: Paddler’s Row with Resistance Elastic Tubing, shown below:

Triceps Resistance Elastic Cord Pulls

Exercise No. 7: Ride a bicycle for great cardio and aerobic workout.

But start with a healthy diet first before just focusing only on working out. Many people have this issue when they make and break New Year’s Resolutions within 6- weeks or less. To have flatter stomach takes DIET, EXERCISE, and LIFESTYLE Change

On July 14th, 2023, I did an AB Challenge after we did our Fall Fashion Shoot in the hangar and on the tarmac, below shows my AB Challenge that I did at age 66:

My AB Challenge that I did in our hangar on my INDIAN Scout Bobber 60 Motorcycle at age 66.

Get into Shape and Stay In Shape with Toner Abdominal Muscles following THE FBX-25 Workout & CASIMIR DIET, I am able to model at age 66:

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