Me playing golf at Dancing Rabbit at Philadelphia, MS
The main objective of golf is to challenge a person’s mind and body, while improving their quality of life. Most people don’t consider their golf game as a cross-fitness, X-Fitness, program. But, in reality, golf benefits a person’s mental and physical health, the real X-Fitness component. There is a third benefit of golf and that has a financial benefit. Investing in one’s golf game can yield as much as a 600 percent return on a golfer’s time and money.
This means that for every dollar a person invests in their cross-fitness (X-Fitness) CASPER Workout Program and golf game, the golfer is receiving six dollars back in savings in health costs, now and in retirement, or what I refer to as freelancing.
What freelance means to me is being an advisor, expert, mentor, veteran, or coach to others. To me, this perfectly describes what I’m doing now in my retirement. I no longer work at what I have to do, but instead, freelance on want I want to do.
Case in point, I spent a major part of my career as a grid engineer with an utility designing and writing procedures and processes for linemen to conduct energized work on transmission lines. I’m now, in my retirement, a freelance writer and golfer who wrote a book on sale now and articles on my website to help golfers improve their golf game, including improving their health and fitness.
Golf, health, and fitness are just as important to a person’s retirement plan as taking advantage of IRA, IRA-Roth, and/or 401-K programs. With these investment programs, a person understands that even with the smallest of investments of money, one can make a big impact over time. The sooner the better!
This same approach can be followed in what I call my cross-fitness (X-Fitness) in my CASPER Workout Program. Here again, it comes down to the time element, with even 30 or 40 minutes, three or four times per week, a person can have a major impact on their well-being. I even include in my CASPER Workout Program, a boxing bag workout element as part of my X-Fitness. I found that boxing gloves are a great way to preset the wrists in golf.
Unlike some of your financial investments, your X-Fitness program provides benefits both now and in the future. In other words, you don’t have to wait until you retire, or become a freelancer, to enjoy your investments you are presently making in your fitness level. With investment in the X-Fitness, the CASPER Workout Program, you don’t have to wait until you retire to enjoy your health and fitness. I refer to X-Fitness (Cross Fitness), not so much as exercise components in my CASPER Workout Program that includes boxing, but more as a benefit for the mind, body, and soul. I include the soul in the X-Fitness in that I can meditate while I’m working out, real relaxing feature.
The reason I promote golf and my book, The ESPY Golf Swing Coach, is that golf can challenge a person’s physical and mental strength. I can’t see much benefit in working 35 to 40 years toward your retirement, or freelance years, to not be able to enjoy the results of your hard work once you are there. I’m not just talking about living a longer life; I’m talking more about an independent lifestyle with health, free from illness, such as heart disease, Alzheimer’s, hypertension, obesity, and arthritis, just to name a few.
This is the reason I wrote my book to provide people with the ability to live a productive life, and take advantage of the objective of golf, health and fitness.
The term Coach is an important term in my book in that the term coach is not only there to coach you during the game, but to train, prepare, and condition you for the game, the basis of my book. The objective of golf is to challenge the golfer’s mind, body, and soul. In order to have a low handicap in golf, the golfer has to develop their strength, mobility, flexibility, and fitness levels for the game of golf.
I retired, or as I like to say, became a freelancer, at age fifty-six. I use the term freelancer because I no longer work for someone else, but I work for myself and family. Due to my strength, mobility, flexibility and fitness level, I can play golf three-to-four times per week, walking the course and carrying my bag. The reason I was able to retire at age fifty-six and still play golf is because of my X-Fitness, CASPER Workout Program, that I followed in some form since the age of twelve.
If you want to do something remarkable for your kids or grand kids, first, open up a mutual fund in their name, and show them how investing as little as 10 percent of their money over time can have a major impact. Then second, open up their hands and mind to golf. The objective of golf is teach kids:
- Cause and effect of their actions.
- Take responsibility for their own actions.
- How to actually assess risk and reward options.
- How to play within themselves.
- How to maximize their abilities.
- How to avoid their weaknesses, while playing toward your strengths.
- How to develop their game management skills, on and off the golf course.
To learn how to develop your own X-Fitness training and self-coaching golf program, purchase your copy of The ESPY Golf Swing Coach from the links below, or visit your local bookstore:
My book can also be purchased at Edwin Watts Golf Store in Jackson, Mississippi. Phone No. 601-956-8784
820 East County Line Road, Ridgeland, MS 39157
Please take advantage of my SR-925 Diet Program, where I lost 6 inches in my waist in 3- months (FREE of CHARGE) with the CASPER Workout Program, detailed in Section 20 of my book:
Please include an exercise routine in your weekly schedule.
Also, learning The ESPY Golf Swing Coach process is an excellent way to develop Rhythm without experiencing the Blues: