THE QATSPY® Quapaw Aviation Tactical Sportswear Performance Yukon Outfitters Company, An Authorized Distributor for US WINGS®
The Body is a Temple of God; keep it as strong and fit as your Faith is!
By: Charles W. Boatright,
President of THE Quapaw Aviator Tactical Sportswear Performance, Your Outfitter Company
Take The 13-Week Challenge to Fitness– 27Feb2023 to 29May2023, Memorial Day, Drop 45- Lbs, 6- Inches off Your Waistline & Drop Your Numbers
We are wrapping up February, which is Heart Health Month and Women Wear Red Month. Both center on being aware and preventing the number one killer of both men and women, Cardiovascular Disease. Your heart is the heart of your health and fitness. By keeping track of your numbers, you can improve your overall health and fitness and reduce your risk of Cardiovascular Disease, obesity, diabetes, and a whole host of other issues.
Memorial Day, Monday, May 29, 2023, is the unofficial start of summer and the opportunity to get out and enjoy some outdoor activities. There are always those activities that will reveal your health and fitness as you wear shorts and T-shirts to those various outdoor events, like on the beach, and participating in or attending sporting events.
Starting on Monday, February 27th, 2023, you can take the 13- week Challenge to drop 45- pounds and 6- inches off your waistline and look and feel better, even if you are over the age of 50, as in my case in 2015. By Memorial Day, you can have the fitness that you have always wanted, but couldn’t find the right diet and fitness program that was successful for you.
The DELPHI DIET & FITNESS CAST System can allow you to drop 45- pounds and 6- inches, if you follow four (4) simple requirements of WHAT and WHEN you eat, and follow a simple EXERCISE routine for an active LIFESTYLE PERFORMANCE HEALTH INDEX. If you follow these four simple requirements, you can have the health and fitness that you have always wanted, but haven’t had the right diet and fitness system to do so.
But once you start The DELPHI DIET & CAST FITNESS System, in addition to dropping weight, inches, and your numbers, be prepared to drop age off the appearance of your skin. Your skin and waistline are two of the most obvious indicators of your health and fitness people notice the most. You will also drop your other numbers- blood pressure, blood glucose, and cholesterol, as well. Having these high numbers contribute to Cardiovascular Disease, obesity, and diabetes.
On November 28, 2014, I started back on my DELPHI DIET & CAST FITNESS System after four knee surgeries and a hip replacement. By February 27, 2015, I went from having a waistline of 37.75- inches, down to 31.75- inch waistline, that represented 45- pounds of weight that I lost within just 13-weeks. Below is my actual Waistline Chart that I kept from November 28th, 2014 to September 05th, 2015. I prefer to measure my waistline instead of weigh-ins, because a cloth tape is inexpensive and is always accurate. The FITNESS component will allow you to add muscle, which is a good thing. You don’t want to punish yourself for adding muscle.
In 13-Weeks, I had Skin that I had in my Mid-30’s at Age 57 and Now at 65
A lot of diets will allow you to drop weight and inches, but how many will allow you to drop years off the appearance of your skin, to a tone of 25- years? By following four (4) simple requirements of WHEN and WHAT you eat with a moderate FITNESS program, you can have your toned and healthy skin you have been wanting it goes back to WHEN you eat.
I confirmed this on May 11, 2022 listening to John Tesh Radio Show, Intelligence for Your Life. John cited a Cleveland Clinic research paper where eating past 6 p.m. interrupts your body’s natural ability to repair and rejuvenate your skin. You can take The 13- Week Challenge to drop weight, inches, but also drop years off the appearance of your skin and tone up at the same time.
You can actually replicate how those clothes you see in stores and online will look at home and wear them to your place of work or leisure activities and feel a new sense of confidence. The real test of your health and fitness is how clothes that you will have to buy, due to the weight and inches you drop, will look on you. The best fashion statement that you can make is with your toned, health, and fitness, hands-down.
Now, nine (9) years after I reached my healthy weight and waistline, I have been modeling my sportswear collection since age 57 and now even at age 65 in the feature image, above. I even did an AB Challenge at age 65, below, on January 07th, 2023, after we did a photoshoot for our Flying Tiger Gear a part of the Rough Riders Sportswear Collections.
There are just four (4) simple requirements of the DELPHI DIET & CAST FITNESS System where the diet component consists of WHEN you eat (between 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.) and WHAT you eat (a menu with a Health Index number at or below 3.25). You can’t even purchase skincare products that are this successful that work naturally internally for longer results and are less expensive even if you are over the age of 60.
And even better yet, I’m not on any prescribed medication of any type at age 65. Any and all medication can have certain side effects, both positive and negative, and that is why maintaining a healthy diet and fitness routine is so important to you and to your bottom line.
The FITNESS component consists of moderate Cardio-Aerobic and Strength Training (CAST) to develop strong and toned muscles and healthy skin. The last component is maintaining and enjoying an active LIFESTYLE, based on the three previous components. You can purchase THE DELPHI DIET & CAST FITNESS from KINDLE that has all my fitness videos and how to use the DIET to determine the Health Index number from the standard nutrition label.