THE BOATRIGHT REPORT- An Open Back Road Guide to The American Experience
By: Charles W. Boatright
Knights of The Greatest Crusade, D-DAY: 06Jun1944 Allies Landed on the Shores of Normandy, France to Liberate Europe from the grip of Tyranny
This is the 79th anniversary of D-Day on June 06th, 1944, where a total of 156,115 Americans, British, Canadians, French, Polish, Belgians, Czechoslovakians, Dutch, and Norwegian military personnel took part in the Normandy Landing. This was an opportunity for French, Poles, Belgians, Czechs, and Norwegians to get some retribution for Germany invading their countries. This was the largest amphibious landing in world history under the command of General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander of all Forces in Europe.
Before these landings started, approximately 18,000 men from Airborne units, shown above in the featured image during a reenactment of D-Day Plus 79-years, consisting of Americans (82nd and 101st) with the British (6th) dropped behind enemy lines to secure bridges and crossroads. This was to delay any reinforcements by the Germans to launch a counterattack against the invasion. These airborne units’ drop were to support the landing forces coming ashore on five (5) beaches- CODE NAMES: Sword, Gold, Juno, Omaha, and Utah. The Airborne and Rangers prevented German forces from using artillery to defend the beaches and engaging the ships and landing forces coming ashore.
The landing took place along a 50- mile shoreline of Normandy, France. This landing started the liberation of Europe from the Nazis and their oppressive Totalitarianism regime. The Nazi reign of terror marginalized the basic fundamental rights of certain groups with strong armed tactics. These Nazi tactics consisted of weaponizing law enforcement, a.k.a. Gestapo, special military units, a.k.a. SS units, and the propaganda consisting of print and over the airwaves.
The Propaganda Ministry, led by Joseph Goebbels, was a very effective tool used to control information and to demonize certain groups that were deemed undesirable and irredeemable; where have we heard this below? The European Jews who made up the largest group of people deemed undesirable and irredeemable were to be placed in camps under an operation code named The Final Solution. Over 6 million European Jews were condemned to work camps and later death camps.
Marginalizing and segregating certain classes of people helped in the justification of discrimination and later extermination of people that the Nazis deemed undesirable and irredeemable, just because of their ethnic makeup. Propaganda played a large part in marginalizing certain groups in order to load them onto cattle cars to transport them to work camps and later death camps.
The Nazi Party didn’t even Attempt to Portray their Press as Free and Independent Journalism
What is interesting, the Nazi Party didn’t even hide the fact that their media organization was nothing but a propaganda-controlled organization led by Joseph Goebbels, who held the party’s title of Propaganda Minister. The Nazis perfected a very powerful form of suppression and persuasion with the use of mass media, that included radio. Nazi’s propaganda gave new meaning to a two-edged sword- That the word is more powerful than a two-edged sword.
A two-edged sword as it implies can cut in both directions- from the right with FREE SPEECH, TRUTH and FACTS, or from the left with DECEIT, DECEPTION, and CONJECTURE. From the right was a press that served the interest of its readers, free of governmental influence and bias and to report fact-based stories that have been verified.
The press has to be independent from government influences in its reporting and collaborating stories with journalists, doing their due diligence to verify leads and report just the facts. Just the Facts was the Hallmark of Joseph Pulitzer, an organization that awards The Pulitzer Prize administered by Columbia University for journalism and the arts.
Columbia University awarded Pulitzers to journalist for stories journalist did on Russia Collusion that allegedly involved Republicans that the Durham Report found to be fabricated by the FBI and our press and media outlets. This is what we refer to as Pseudo Reported News, or propaganda for short. Without independent journalism, our media has now just deteriorated into governmental-controlled propaganda machines that the Greatest Generation fought against.
Using Journalists as Propaganda, to Sow Seeds of Hatred and Bigotry
The Nazi propaganda machine sowed seeds of hatred, bigotry, racism, slavery, and especially Antisemitism to form divisions among the public. This division worked to the Nazis’ advantage in institutionalizing their Totalitarianism regime. The Nazis enjoyed unfettered examination by any independent journalistic group, where the Nazis could use their educational system to sow these seeds into the young minds, and these minds consisted of the Hitler Youth.
The Allied Ground Forces Liberating Europe Found that They were Fighting more For Freedom then Against an Evil Regime
As the Allies fought their way across eastern and western Europe toward Berlin, they came across the extent the Nazis went to in implementing the Final Solution in dealing with the undesirable and irredeemable in the concentration and death camps. When the Allies reached these camps, they discovered that it wasn’t so much now what they were fighting against, an evil regime, as it was what they were fighting for, basic human rights. The idea of the basic human rights was based on the four freedoms- The freedom of speech and press, the freedom of worship, the freedom from want, and the biggest one, freedom from fear.
All of this was made possible by how journalists used their pin to cover for the evils of a sadistic regime bent on supreme, unchallenged control over not just Germany, but a complete continent of Europe. The Nazis used the evil side of journalism to promote tyranny over Europe that even extended into northern Africa. This was accomplished by journalists burying the truth of Nazi crimes in exchange for favorable reporting.
There is a Greek term for this type of journalistic-type reporting known as Pseudo sophistication /sew-do səˌfɪs·tɪˈkeɪ·ʃən/ that means portraying a falsehood as a fact or truth when it isn’t. A form of this word is a pseudonym for a fictional name of a person.
Media’s Pseudo Sophistication
Pseudo sophistication is a term derived from Ancient Greek. Pseudo sophistication paints a complete opposite picture to that of reality to its viewers or readers. Pseudo sophistication is intended to promote a consensus for the purpose of influence conformity, based on a false premise. Those that oppose this type of journalism are often intimidated, ridiculed, and labeled as extremist.
Pseudo sophistication is one of the most deadly forms of journalistic malfeasance, not only to readers; but society as a whole, because the elaborate scheme undermines people’s confidence in both their government and their media. It is a hundred times more poisonous than the venom from a King Cobra. It can totally dismantle social structure with corruption.
Nazis Pseudo Sophistication
The Nazis Pseudo sophistication was made possible by the government weaponizing its press, national law enforcement, and the justice system. This would be comparable to the U.S. Government weaponizing the FBI to spy on its people and conduct raids; or our DOJ to suppress the truth and promote a false narrative via the press to influence the outcome of an election. But in order to carry out this conspiracy, our U.S. Government and journalists would have to be willing to be accomplices.
Journalists would have to be willing to compromise their journalistic integrity and knowingly become an arm of the government to promote propaganda for the benefit of their fringe government. Journalists would have to go from holding our government accountable to becoming willing participants and co-conspirators in a Pseudo sophistication hoax.
Espresso Laptop Journalist
Journalists would have to use to promote unverifiable stories and use key terms to write their articles to a point that it would be a wholesale whitewash of cut and paste by journalists creating a hoax from their laptops. The journalist would have to agree to suppress a negative, damaging story to create an elaborate story that would be beneficial to an Administration. This is where the journalist would have to concentrate their efforts on creating negative stories toward any opposition and its supporters.
As time goes forward, these elaborate stories eventually unfold and unravel as hoaxes, with ramifications, where the journalists would lose respect and confidence from their readers and viewers. This is because what journalists are reporting is totally fabricated that the readers and viewers later discover. A great example of this type of Pseudo sophistication journalism was the Duke Lacrosse Case, where the media favored sensationalism-type reporting without verification for sheer greed of publicity and monetary gain.
The Casualty Count for D-Day
It was estimated that leading up to D-Day that the casualty count could be as high as 10-to- 12 percent, just on the first day of June 06th, 1944, or about 18,750. The actual casualties numbers on the first few days following June 06th were 4,414. This was significantly less than estimated, but still precious blood was poured out for the basic Freedoms, Liberty, and basic Rights that we cherish as a Nation.
I would hate to think that these 4,414 men that died on the beaches of Normandy sacrificed their blood and their futures for a government and journalism that resemble the forces that they were fighting against from the beaches of Normandy. Another 293,586 military personnel would be KIA after D-Day, fighting their way to defeat the Nazi Regime.
That is a little over a third of those that died during the Civil War in fighting to keep the Union intact. This is where the Democratic Controlled Southern States (consisting of 11- states) seceded from the Union. We have fought too many wars for our freedoms to let journalists take those four basic freedoms away from us NOW.
We need to hold our Journalists accountable and use social media to point out Pseudo Reporting News by our media outlets, even on the local level. Don’t ever think your voice is so insignificant that it doesn’t matter, because it DOES MATTER.
Case in point– Maggie Wade with WLBT-3 here in Jackson, Mississippi reported during a broadcast in March of 2023 that fuel prices were high due to Russia invasion of the Ukraine in the late part of February of 2022. That was totally false Pseudo Reporting News reporting during the WLBT newscast. Fuel prices started rising when Biden took office in January of 2021. I have been in energy for 35- years and chart fuel prices since then; the highest jump based on percentage of fuel prices was in April of 2021, see chart below:
I sent Maggie Wade this chart and asked for a retraction and a correction in their broadcasting. You can’t trust our media even on a local level. The only part of local newscasts that I watch NOW is weather and sports, because the media can’t manipulate those two components like they do their news on their daily broadcast.