THE QATSPY® THE Quapaw Athletic Training Sportswear Performance for Your Health
The Body is a Temple of God keep it as strong and fit as your Faith is!
By: Charles W. Boatright, President of THE QATSPY®
Benefits of Complex Carbs to DELPHI for Your Health– Health Risk You Take by NOT Incorporating Complex Carbohydrates into You Daily Diet
DELPHI– Diet ■ Exercise ■ Lifestyle ■ Performance ■ Health Index
There is a popular diet that focuses on low carbohydrates that has led to increased risk of cardiovascular disease by increasing the LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein). You have to include complex carbohydrates in your diet for your heart health. You can still lose weight and inches and still follow a diet that is high in Protein, Fiber, Omega-3 fats, Probiotics, and contains Complex Carbohydrates if you know how to use the nutrition label on foods you purchase in our local grocery store.
The nutrition label on foods is difficult to make heads or tails of to make a healthy choice to what to purchase and what to eat. You want to be able to select healthy foods to drop weight, inches, and those numbers your doctor keeps telling you that you have to drop. It is not easy making healthy choices in food selections for your health just by reading the nutrition label. You have to understand how to use these numbers to make healthy food choices for you and your family.
But there is a way to use the standard nutrition labels to eat healthy satisfying food and still drop weight, inches, and more important your numbers. This also includes dropping the years off the condition of your skin. That should get your attention by dropping the appearance of your age. In the feature image, I’m 65 years old and I have the health, fitness, and condition that includes the condition of my skin that I had in my mid 30’s.
The DELPHI DIET is Simple, Based on WHAT and WHEN You Eat
Healthy diets are the ones that are based on WHAT and WHEN you eat. The WHAT is foods that are high in Protein, Fiber, Omega-3 fats, Probiotics, and contains Complex Carbohydrates with a Health Index (HI) at or below 3.25. The HI is based on nine data points, as noted below:
The WHEN is eating between (9 a.m. and 6 p.m.). The WHEN along with WHAT you eat will allow you to have younger looking skin, as well. Both WHAT and WHEN working in conjunction with each other, allows your body’s metabolism to become a turbocharged-calorie-burning-juggernaut whether awake or sleeping. The WHAT and WHEN allows you to drop weight, inches, your blood pressure, blood glucose, and your cholesterol levels. But that is not all you are dropping, you are dropping years off the condition of your skin, as well. Again in the featured image and the AB Challenge that I did, shown below, on January 07th, 2023, I’m 65- years old.
The Significant Impact Your Health Index (HI) Number Has in Your Health
THE DELPHI DIET has a Health Index number based on nine (9) data points on the nutrition label of foods that are high in Protein, Fiber, Omega-3 fats, Probiotics, and Complex Carbohydrates with a Health Index (HI) at or below 3.25.
That not all that the Health Index number does for you. It also indicates foods that are high in sugar, the hidden sugar (your starches), and that contain simple carbohydrates, which you don’t want to have in your diet. Here’s a great example that even the Sugar Buster Diet points out, compare the Health Index (HI) of a Sweet Potato (2.778) with that of an Idaho Potato (3.438). It might not seem that the Idaho potato is that much higher than 3.25, but that difference is the sugar, the hidden sugar (your starches), and the simple carbohydrates that you want to stay away from in your diet.
Even though the Sweet Potato has a higher sugar content of 7 grams compared with 1 gram of sugar with that of the Idaho Potato. The difference is with sugar of complex carbs compare with sugar of simple carbs. At first glance at these two nutrition labels you would conclude that the Idaho potato is a healthier choice due to a lower sugar content. But you would be wrong in your assessment.
But as the Sugar Buster even points out, the Idaho Potato is the least healthy choice to make in your diet. This is a perfect example of benefits of the complex carbohydrates from the Sweet Potato compared to the harmful simple carbohydrates contented in the Idaho Potato.
The Impact of Health Index on My Own Health
Before I had four (4) knee surgeries and a hip replacement leading up to September of 2014, I gained weight due to the pain of not being able to maintain my fitness routine and getting off my DELPHI DIET. It seems like if you loose interest in one, you loose interest in the other. I gained 45- pounds between my late- 30’s and mid 50’s when I had my surgeries. The weight gain was so granular that it was difficult to detect my weight gain. But it only took one photograph to reveal my weight issue.
Until I had a photograph taken in October of 2014 after my knee surgeries and hip replacement, I didn’t realize the weight that I had gained. That was a shock to me! During my recovery in November of 2014, I got back on my DELPHI DIET & CAST FITNESS System. But first, I measured my waistline to benchmark by progress. My Waistline Chart is shown below:
What is a healthy waistline for you: Take your height in inches and divide by 2. For Example my is 66 inches/2 = 33- inches. But since I was modeling and in front of the camera lens I used 2.2 as my denominator or 66/2.2= 30.0 inches. So my target waistline was 30.0 inches.
If you have a fitness program based on Cardio-Aerobic & Strength Training you’re burning fat but you’re adding muscle. I measure my waistline because I’m not going to punish myself for losing fat and gaining muscle. Also, tailor cloth tape is more accurate and a lot less inexpensive.
I still track my waistline once a week even now going on nine (9) years now once a week. I still have a 29-inch waist. To show how effective the DELPHI DIET & CAST FITNESS System is, I did an AB Change after we did a photoshoot on Saturday, January 07th, 2023 at our hangar, below:
I have an online sportswear and Performance business that I operate. Three of my 24 exercises that I follow addresses my sciatic nerve issues. I have eliminated all my pain and discomfort from my sciatic nerve issues.
Modeling was the Reason for me to Lose Weight, Inches, and get back into Shape
In the feature image and my AB Challenge, above, that I did shows the results from my DELPHI DIET & CAST FITNESS System. The camera will be your toughest critic on your health and fitness. I let you be the judge if you think THE DELPHI DIET & CAST FITNESS System works.
I also maintain healthy Numbers as noted below:
Blood Pressure: 114/63 Pulse 68.
Blood Glucose (Non Fasting): 114
Total Cholesterol: 175
My Age: 65
I have three (3) monitors at home that I check all three of my vitals numbers each week. I’m not on any prescribed medication; and I want to keep it that way NO MEDS!
THE DELPHI DIET & CAST FITNESS System is described in detail with videos of my fitness routine that you can select to watch in my e-book on KINDLE, use the links below to purchase my two books: